View Full Version : Help/Suggestions

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  1. Help Getting Logged In
  2. Welcome
  3. Caption Contests
  4. Mr Dunlop
  5. The Old Board/topics?
  6. User Locatons Under User Name?
  7. No Photos?
  8. Can't Upload Avatar...
  9. Oh, And A Funny Thing With Post Counts...
  10. Dumb Questions
  11. I'm Trying To Log In And Can't
  12. Having Some Trouble
  13. Never Recieved E-mail, User Name Doesn't Exist?
  14. Msn Me For Help Logging In
  15. No Email Nor Username In Db
  16. Username Won't Work
  17. Same Login Problem As Other
  18. Post Times
  19. More Smilies!
  20. I Can't Reply
  21. Ipb Button
  22. Some Replacement Pips..
  23. Uploading Files
  24. Top Secret Photo Shop Project...who Wants It!
  25. My Sig!
  26. Help Me
  27. Amiy
  28. Skoda
  29. Failed Password Reset?
  30. Log-in Question
  31. Editing Posts
  32. Problems
  33. Can't Find Me
  34. Topic's Per Page
  35. Proble,
  36. Another Question
  37. Admin: If You Want To Change Your Name
  38. Name Change Request
  39. Name Change
  40. Link To Cphl
  41. Taking The Plunge...
  42. Name Change Please
  43. Tracking Messages
  44. Name Change Please
  45. Name Change Please
  46. Signatures
  47. Name Change Request
  48. Name Change Request
  49. Ie Help/question
  50. Sneaky Banner Add
  51. Message Reply Form
  52. Suggestion For The New Board...
  53. Sending Money And Sigs
  54. Name Change Request
  55. Change Of Name
  56. New Forum Idea
  57. Request
  58. name change request
  59. Level ie. Crash & Bang Winger
  60. Name Change Request
  61. Change Name Request
  62. Name Change Request
  63. Time?
  64. My Avatar
  65. Name change please
  66. Male sexual enhancement pop ups??
  67. Old Board Smilies
  68. Name Change Request
  69. Centering Signatures
  70. Name Change Request
  71. Another Name Change Request
  72. We have to many stinkin' goalies...
  73. Problems
  74. Name Change Request
  75. Smiles from old board
  76. Avatar Options.........
  77. I'm not getting the email
  78. Copy and Pasting Picturesq
  79. Name Change Request
  80. This might be a real dumb question
  81. Name change request
  82. General Image Help
  83. Name Change Please
  84. New Sig
  85. How to change .psd to .jpg?
  86. can't log back in
  87. cannot log in
  88. need help
  89. Never received initial email
  90. Links?
  91. Caption Contest / Trivia page?
  92. Site contributions?
  93. Location Displayed
  94. Name change requests
  95. Clicking Forum Posts
  96. My Calgarypuck Layout, Who is Webmaster?
  97. PM's
  98. Quote help
  99. Pop-ups going crazy
  100. Email notification not working
  101. Trash-Talk Forum
  102. 'View New Posts'
  103. User Posted Image
  104. Do we still need the " Time Since" Countdown?
  105. bold and italics not working..
  106. Filter Suggestion
  107. Bluejays Fourm!
  108. I-Hate-Hulse 20,000 post? really?
  109. Spell Check
  110. Office Skin
  111. Forum RSS Feeds
  112. CSF Partner Sites....Spelling Error
  113. How do I put in my location?
  114. Is the time on the board correct?
  115. Big Red Buttons
  116. Can I Get My Name Changed
  117. tracking read/unread posts
  118. Problems Staying Logged In?
  119. Pop-up
  120. Ok what do I do here?
  121. Errors
  122. Small details..
  123. Report button...
  124. I need a signature picture!
  125. Problems Accessing CP? Gateway Errors?
  126. Spacing in Posts
  127. Holy popups batman
  128. I can't make long posts
  129. Calgary Puck gear Link not working
  130. Thread tracker
  131. List of posters
  132. Signiture Sizing
  133. Computer Help
  134. Board wont open with internet explorer
  135. Dating on thread topics
  136. New season
  137. CP & FireFox Problems
  138. Pointless countdowns
  139. Site Subscription?
  140. Flames tickets via Ticketmaster
  141. See a problem? Let me know...
  142. Ignore List?
  143. Top 10 posters?
  144. Size restrictions on sigs?
  145. countdown timer
  146. Internet Crashes
  147. Spell check
  148. Viewing Forum List
  149. Forums Really Slow?
  150. New board features?
  151. "Wanted" posts in tickets sales
  152. Posting using html
  153. Ignore feature
  154. Dion Phaneuf forum
  155. Problem accessing CP using Firefox.
  156. Visitor tracker
  157. problem with viewing cp?
  158. Autocorrect
  159. Suggestion for Game Takes
  160. Tweak the language filter?
  161. WHAT is it going to take to make these forums run smooth?
  162. Problem with Quick Reply
  163. why is this the slowest loading forum on the net?
  164. whats with the giant popups?
  165. Server clock - off?
  166. Why won't I stay logged in?
  167. Thread ratings
  168. ShoutBox?
  169. New Section For Trade Proposals
  170. Entertainment Forum?
  171. Noobs posting ticket sales on main forum
  172. Signatures gone wild...
  173. Can we get a hall of fame for meltdown threads?
  174. Board Times?
  175. Tooltips are gone?
  176. Stupidity Filter
  177. 24 hour account registration approval
  178. Can't start thread!
  179. The ticket sales thing.
  180. Suggestion
  181. How do you get a poll going?
  182. New CalgaryPuck.com Logo?
  183. How did CalgaryPuck get started?
  184. Don't show CPHL posts in "new posts" search
  185. Draft coverage?
  186. Reporting threads/posters
  187. Thoughts on main thread split...
  188. Language Filter
  189. No No No
  190. Number of threads on main page
  191. CalgaryPuck super stats!
  192. My sig wont appear.
  193. Dunlopisms
  194. Prospects Poll Request
  195. Switching to my real name
  196. New Server
  197. Random Log Out
  198. Bravo!
  199. Suggested stickies: useful links and thread HOF
  200. Swear Filter Testing thread
  201. Lock ancient threads
  202. Please Restore the Auto Re-Direct
  203. thread preview
  204. RSS feed Suggestions?
  205. #posts/pg
  206. mate1 ads on sidebar
  207. Screen flickers
  208. Old Board
  209. Link from main page is incorrect
  210. RSS feed links don't work on merged threads
  211. Site is slowing down
  212. How do you post a picture?
  213. Real time scoreboard?
  214. Allow thread starters to edit Thread Title
  215. Mods should investigate this ASAP
  216. Restricted Access
  217. Prospects sub-forum
  218. Low quality, off-topic-ness, bickering, general malaise
  219. mod help please
  220. Why cant new users post 'new thread' in main forum?
  221. Error While searching
  222. help with avatar
  223. Does the 'report' thing actually work?
  224. Time Zone settings
  225. Could you add "bandwagon" to the board censor list?
  226. Signature Help...Mods...Anyone?
  227. OK...I Give Up......Any Sig Makers Out There?
  228. Name Change, Please!
  229. Updating the Site
  230. Creating a link?
  231. Embedding Youtube movies?
  232. Let users change their thread ratings
  233. Fame below our locations.
  234. The Skill FAQ - How can skillz pay the bills?
  235. A rating for contributors?
  236. For Photon... sub-titles..
  237. No More Post Count...
  238. Experiance points..
  239. "Drive Cleaner" Ads
  240. Important point about skill amounts...
  241. Signature size?
  242. Help....
  243. Waiting period for new accounts
  244. Auto-Marking Threads
  245. How many posts do I have.
  246. Auto Refreshing Message Board
  247. How much time have I spent here?
  248. Space under sig
  249. Why God!! Why must random logout plague me??
  250. Perhaps Reserve Prominent Media Names