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Old 05-11-2022, 10:36 AM   #4232
Franchise Player
Join Date: May 2006

Originally Posted by GirlySports View Post
Because deep down, centrists Democrats like Republican policies. Sure they have big gesture actions like appointing a black LGBT press secretary and the first this and the first that. But deep down, the rich and elite stick together.
There’s no correlation between being a moderate Democrat and being affluent. The U.S. is just a conservative country in general. Only about a third of Democrats want a greatly expanded government.

There are much bigger divides between parties than within them on opinions about the size of government. Democratic-aligned groups overwhelmingly prefer a bigger government providing more services; GOP groups, by similar margins, favor smaller government. But when asked if government services should be greatly expanded from current levels, Democrats are divided: A clear majority of Progressive Left (63%) favor greatly expanding government services, compared with about a third in other Democratic-oriented groups.
This is a good breakdown of the Democratic coalition.


Tldr: The group pushing hardest for systemic change is more educated, young, and white than Democrats as a whole. Older, less educated and affluent, and non-White Democrats are more moderate.
Originally Posted by fotze View Post
If this day gets you riled up, you obviously aren't numb to the disappointment yet to be a real fan.

Last edited by CliffFletcher; 05-11-2022 at 10:39 AM.
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