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Old 06-17-2019, 07:10 PM   #3066
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Originally Posted by Flamenspiel View Post
I agree that the Leafs would not be as big a deal, but primarily because a lot of hockey fans in Toronto are not even fans of the Maple Leafs. There are a lot of Habs fans and all the original six teams have a solid following.

Back when the Leafs were bad(fairly recently in fact)people filled up the arena to root for the other teams. They have never really had home support up to the standard of the other teams.
Yeah all those Florida Panther fans, Arizona Coyotes fans, Ottawa Senator fans, etc. really kept the Leafs afloat.

Hah! You are so wrong I'm not sure if you are just doing it on purpose.

It's more like the opposite and Leaf fan presence is so strong in North America that they help other building sellout.

Just look at when they play in Calgary, Ottawa, Buffalo, Florida, Tampa, Phoenix, and countless other places. Leaf fans outnumber the home team on most occasions!
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