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Old 10-24-2013, 03:07 PM   #207
Enoch Root
Franchise Player
Join Date: May 2012

Originally Posted by Cleveland Steam Whistle View Post
I agree, you bench a player like Glencross to hold him "accountable". You bench Giordano, to hold him accountable. You can bench a Stempniak or a Stajan to hold them accountable. That's really the only reason you'd bench players like that.

You can bench Sven, for multiple reasons. Most of which would be to teach. Whether that's to teach a lesson, whether that's to teach through observation or a multitude of these things.

This is where these conversations go off the rails. People keep wanting this "even" playing field for all the players, and consistent treatment paths. Glencross has been worse than Sven, therefor Sven cannot sit until Glencross has been sat. If coaches deviate from this, it's not fair, it's not just, blah, blah, blah.... It's not that black and white, benching Sven doesn't even mean the coaching staff thinks he's been worse than Glencross, just means it what they think will benefit him, and given we are dealing with multi million dollar athletes who are getting paid to play, versus 13 year olds who's parents are paying for them to play, it doesn't matter if it's fair, it just matters if it helps accomplishes the long term goals the coahces have for the player.

I'd much rather be watching Sven play tonight than not from a fans perspective, but in a re-building year, with an away game, I'm really glad the aren't making decisions based on entertaining the fans.
Yup, good post and I agree.

Except Hartley's comments say something completely different...

#Flames Hartley on Baertschi. "Needs to work on all 3 zones." it's about commitment". he tells Sven to use B. Gallagher of MTL as example

Roger Millions@RogMillions1m

Hartley says Joe Colborne is getting rewards for Hard work. He was behind when arriving in he's paid off for work. #Flames

It's about commitment? Can't say that I agree with Hartley on that one.

Also, he rewards Colborne for his hard work, but then says that to Baertschi. Colborne has definitely worked hard and improved. But I've seen even more of that from Baertschi.

Clearly Hartley and I do not see the same things when we watch him play.

I think Hartley isn't a fan and I don't agree with him.
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