I would interpret this data as more of the same: this is a very close race right now, and it really will come down to Calgary’s 26 seats and which party can win most of them.
Ipsos numbers for Calgary (and Edmonton) are CMA. Which means the numbers in Calgary proper are almost certainly as good or better than the numbers that Henry has (Henry had the NDP up one point in CMA). So basically there are two public polls out now that show the NDP up 7 to 8 points in Calgary proper. Problem for them is their vote is young and racialized, two groups that do not always vote consistently. UCP is old and white which usually do vote consistently. But the Ipsos numbers are misleading because they include Airdrie and Okotoks (and other bedroom communities) in Calgary, thus pulling up the UCP number and dragging down the NDP number.
It also appears that the arena deal did nothing to move the numbers in Calgary.
The Following User Says Thank You to Aarongavey For This Useful Post:
The irony of someone using this quote to claim someone else is brainwashed, is just so astonishing, I have to wonder if it is some sort of performance art.
I honestly can't figure out if they are a troll or just just not very bright? I suppose they could be both at the same time. But at any rate this broken record is getting old.
United Conservative Party of Alberta (UCP) - 81%
Wildrose Independence Party of Alberta (WIP) - 74%
Alberta New Democratic Party (NDP) - 44%
Alberta Liberal Party (LIB) - 35%
Alberta Party (AP) - 28%
Green Party of Alberta (GRN) - 14%
Also not a fan of the overly simplistic questions, but understandable as it intends to boil it down to a two dimensional graph.
My vote compass, to no shock to myself came out 61% UCP , 58% WIP, 56% NDP
Young people with no life experience and brainwashed by our left-wing education system. The young generation is a sad uniformed inexperienced group, they will own nothing and be happy.
Captain James P. DeCOSTE, CD, 18 Sep 1993
Corporal Jean-Marc H. BECHARD, 6 Aug 1993
The Following User Says Thank You to undercoverbrother For This Useful Post:
How do you feel about a government losing nearly 2 billion dollars of taxpayer money in failed gambles or mismanaged funds?
a. But Notley and Trudeau! Lightbulbs!
b. I don't like it, unless it's the UCP in which case I'll handwave it
c. Greg Clark wouldn't have lost it
d. It's almost bad enough to make me consider maybe voting NDP but probably not
Does it cause any concern or pause for those that have the WIP, a party that literally wants to separate from Canada, so high on their political compass? If it were me, that would really cause me to question everything I stood for. On the other hand, if you actually do believe that Alberta should separate from Canada you're not a rational thinker and then it makes perfect sense to support the UCP or WIP.
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Red Slinger For This Useful Post:
Does it cause any concern or pause for those that have the WIP, a party that literally wants to separate from Canada, so high on their political compass? If it were me, that would really cause me to question everything I stood for. On the other hand, if you actually do believe that Alberta should separate from Canada you're not a rational thinker and then it makes perfect sense to support the UCP or WIP.
It's probably more telling that the WIP align so closely to the UCP policies. Given the WIP wants to separate from Canada...maybe...
The Following User Says Thank You to Fuzz For This Useful Post:
Where I expected to come in. I've always considered myself a fiscal conservative but there's no such parties anymore. Every government in the western world is just blowing through cash, helping consolidate wealth among the rich and waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I think we should give Yoho credit, he is right. This is exactly like the last time the NDP took power.
Right before the election, the PCs announce a ton of spending hoping to buy votes, then the oil prices started to dip, then the NDP was elected, then we blamed them for the spending and for the low oil prices. This is shockingly familiar.
This is kind of a strange take to me (about the spending). Are you suggesting that if the NDP was in power they would've spent less? I can't see that at all. They would've spent on different things, but it's not like they're preaching austerity and instead we have the free-spending UCP.
This is kind of a strange take to me (about the spending). Are you suggesting that if the NDP was in power they would've spent less? I can't see that at all. They would've spent on different things, but it's not like they're preaching austerity and instead we have the free-spending UCP.
Even forgetting about old news like the Warroom or Keystone, the UCP recently sent back $130M to the federal government that was slated for abandoned oil well clean-up, that we didn't use. At the same time, the UCP promised oil companies $20B in royalty breaks (which is the same in reality as a cash reward) to fulfill their obligations to clean up their own wells, which they already signed agreements to do (so we essentially already paid for this).
The difference is that when the NDP spends money, at least we get SOMETHING for the expenditure. When the UCP does it, we get nothing, and it's on a bigger scale.
"We don't even know who our best player is yet. It could be any one of us at this point." - Peter LaFleur, player/coach, Average Joe's Gymnasium
The Following User Says Thank You to Harry Lime For This Useful Post:
This is kind of a strange take to me (about the spending). Are you suggesting that if the NDP was in power they would've spent less? I can't see that at all. They would've spent on different things, but it's not like they're preaching austerity and instead we have the free-spending UCP.
I think as pointed out before, they might not have spent less, but the would have more purposefully directed their spending with a future vision.
I don't even bemoan the spending Prentice did trying to buy that election, I think a lot of it was much needed schools. But they threw their stated principals out the window, spent for political purposes rather than societal goals, strolled into a downturn with a blindfold on and blamed the NDP for global economic conditions that actually took root before they were even in power.
I was just pointing out how certain aspects of that story seem to echo 2015.
As others have pointed out, even when the NDP makes costly choices, like the coal contracts. There are downstream benefits we gain, such as improved health outcomes, social license to push a pipeline through... because there is an ends to their actions. The later PC & UPC had costly choices for bad reasons, such as buying votes, or propping up flailing industries with government resources as though they are the central planning committee in a 70s Soviet state (yes I am countering the insane right wing talking to that the ANDP are socialists by calling the UPC socialist).
Two lawyers face charges under the Law Society of Manitoba after the regulatory body investigated complaints they hired a private investigator to surveil a judge who was hearing a case involving COVID-19 public health orders.
John Carpay, president of the Calgary-based Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, and Randal Jay Cameron face charges from the independent regulator.
The Law Society has charged them with undermining the public respect for the administration of justice, failure to treat court with candour, fairness, courtesy and respect, and breach of integrity. A hearing date has not been set.
Both men represented several churches that tried in 2021 to overturn Manitoba public health orders that temporarily prevented in-person religious services during the height of the pandemic.
And here we have Danielle Smith in a lengthy conversation with one of these muppets, nodding along and agreeing with him. Why is it she has so many interactions with criminals? Is this what UCP supporters desire in a leader? Siding with people who are consistently on the wrong side of the law?
Party of law and order my ass. The NDP should do their version of these flyers with Smith fraternizing with criminals. "Danielle Smith helps criminals attempt to dodge legal charges".
The Following User Says Thank You to Fuzz For This Useful Post:
This is kind of a strange take to me (about the spending). Are you suggesting that if the NDP was in power they would've spent less? I can't see that at all. They would've spent on different things, but it's not like they're preaching austerity and instead we have the free-spending UCP.
Originally Posted by timun
The sheer ####ing hypocrisy is why I'm mocking it. Slava simultaneous absolutely cannot forgive the NDP for their "cardinal sin", yet nary a peep about the financial mismanagement of the UCP government other than a sheepish "well, I'm not planning to vote for them either...".
Yes, the provincial debt did go up a lot under the NDP. They racked up $32B in budget deficits over four years.
The UCP racked up another $29.1B in their first two years. And they were forecasting another $18.2B deficit in fiscal year 2021-22, which they only managed to avoid because revenues ended up being $25B more than forecast through essentially no creditable action on their part whatsoever! And now this year they're forecasting an almost $12.3B surplus because—surprise!—resource revenue is forecast $22.7B higher than it ever was in any given year 2015-2019.
Just so we're all clear on what actually happened (all figures in millions of $):
Can we finally put this bull####-####ing-narrative that "the NDP are fiscally incompetent" to rest? 2019-2020 was self-inflicted stupidity on a scale far worse than the NDP EVER did.
Originally Posted by Slava
First, I couldn’t possibly care less about your mocking. Fill your boots. It’s childish and lame, but whatever floats your boat.
Why are so keen for me to criticize the UCP? I don’t have to prove anything to you or anyone else on that front. I think they’re stunningly incompetent, and I don’t see anyone arguing otherwise. What I do see is a bunch of people trying to claim fiscal prudence for the NDP though, and I completely disagree, which is where my conundrum is.
And not to defend the current government, but there was a little extenuating circumstance in the midst of this term. I think that for a chunk of their financial situation you have to give them a pass? Let’s not kid ourselves about whether the NDP would’ve matched or exceeded that spending. I guess we’ll never know with any certainty, but I’d be taking the over.
Originally Posted by timun
Why am I so keen for you to criticize the UCP? Because you get so close to doing it and then you skew off onto some bogus tangent about the NDP, and it reminds me of so many people I know in real life.
Case in point the post above. You just can't help yourself from making excuses for the UCP's financial mismanagement, and throwing shade at the NDP. The UCP cut taxes, increased spending, "borrowed for operations" and ran a bigger deficit than the NDP ever did in the 2019-2020 fiscal year. Why in the hell does that deserve a pass? Covid hadn't happened yet.
The reason you absolutely cannot abide the NDP is "borrowing for operations", and yet the UCP borrowed more in that one year than the NDP did over the course of their entire time in government, and you say "I think we have to give the UCP a pass". WHY?!?! "Let’s not kid ourselves about whether the NDP would’ve matched or exceeded that spending. I guess we’ll never know with any certainty, but I’d be taking the over." WHY?!?! Again: you're running cover for a bunch of idiots who by your own criteria were WORSE! Why in the hell should any of us believe the NDP would've been worse? The UCP are worse, demonstrably so.
You say you think the UCP are stunningly incompetent? Then quit making excuses for them. Quit repeating Conservative propaganda about how they're better financial stewards. Quit being a hypocrite. Quit acting like a brainwashed rube trying to gaslight the rest of us into believing this stupid crap.
No, we do in fact "have the free-spending UCP". They have blown billions and billions and billions more than the NDP ever did. As I wrote before, you're running cover for a bunch of idiots who by your own criteria were worse. There is no reason to believe that the NDP would have been worse, other than your own inherent bias against them. Facts show it's demonstrably false.
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Shall we check in on how that privatization of lab services is going?
Doctors in Medicine Hat say long waits for lab tests are putting extra pressure on their hospital.
DynaLife, a private company, took over community lab services in the south zone at the end of February, after being contracted by Alberta Health Services (AHS).
According to Parks, the situation has deteriorated in the last few weeks. He's seeing patients sent to the ER by both family physicians and DynaLife.
But wait, I thought privatization increased access? What's going on here! So now this hand off of tax dollars to a private company is resulting in tax dollars going to pay for the services they can't provide. Is there punishment in the contract for this? I'm going to assume "who knows" because it's probably all confidential. Thanks UCP, and UCP voters. Way to #### this one up, too.
The next person who mentions privatization as a method for cost savings or improvement of services gets a crotch punch. And for the love of hot dogs, please, please stop voting for politicians that tell you this! It's ####ing bull####! But here we are, 50% of Albertans will do exactly that.
The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Fuzz For This Useful Post:
But wait, I thought privatization increased access? What's going on here! So now this hand off of tax dollars to a private company is resulting in tax dollars going to pay for the services they can't provide. Is there punishment in the contract for this? I'm going to assume "who knows" because it's probably all confidential. Thanks UCP, and UCP voters. Way to #### this one up, too.
The next person who mentions privatization as a method for cost savings or improvement of services gets a crotch punch. And for the love of hot dogs, please, please stop voting for politicians that tell you this! It's ####ing bull####! But here we are, 50% of Albertans will do exactly that.
How about you quit complaining? Smith said we would NEVER have to pay for any medical procedures. Never being able to get blood taken is one way to ensure we never have to pay to get blood taken, and if you die because something serious goes undetected for too long? Perfect, can't pay when you're dead. Trudeau!
Boom. Promise kept. #VoteUCP #trudeau
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