Originally Posted by Locke
At this point the only thing worse than AI images that are easily scrolled past is the incessant whining about AI images.
Complaining about AI images has practically become a cultural subset.
Presumably because a moustache must be twirled in a smoky Parisian cafe whilst painting some masterpiece...
We get it. Some people dont like them. In other news...water...still wet?
Here, let me complain about AI in a way that’s more your speed:
Back on the FOI forum I saw someone using AI. Seriously. AI. On FOI. I couldn’t believe it.
I told them AI was trash. I. Couldn’t. Believe. It.
Trash! You know what they did?
Bet you can’t even guess.
They used AI even more! Can you believe it? I couldn’t.
You know about AI don’t you? Plus, who wouldn’t even want to see that?Six fingers and dead eyes? A regular horror movie!
I couldn’t believe it. I like my hands with five fingers. I like human eyes. Call me old fashioned. I couldn’t believe it. We live in a society! How many fingers do hockey players have? Five. Five fingers. I couldn’t believe it.
It gets worse. Oh boy, it gets worse.
I took my complaint to off topic. And you know what someone did?
You won’t believe it. I couldn’t.
They suggested I get over it!
Now, I can get over a lot of things. But this? No.
Oh no sir.
Not today. Not on my watch.
Not on My. Watch.
I couldn’t believe it.
So you know what I did? Ha. You won’t believe it.
I wrote an entire post mimicking their posts. Now what do you think they’ll say about that?
Nothing, I bet. I bet they couldn’t even believe it. AI? Not on my watch.
Locke Peps always gets the last laugh!