By registering on and/or posting Calgarypuck you agree to abide by these terms and any rules and guidelines laid out in the
Terms and Guidelines section, as well as any directions from site Moderators or Administrators.
Registration Process
By registering on Calgarypuck you agree to follow the registration process outlined in the
Calgarypuck Registration thread in the
Terms and Guidelines section.
General Guidelines
These are the guidelines for all forums on Calgarypuck. The guidelines are listed in this post, and more details about each can be found in the
Forum Guidelines thread. There may be additional guidelines for each sub-forum.
1. Obey the Moderators.
2. Respect the other posters. Don't be a jerk, be civil. Don't harass or bully others.
3. Address the topic, not the poster. Having your opinion, claim or argument challenged, doubted or dismissed is not attacking you.
4. Make a positive contribution. Stay on the thread's topic, don't intentionally derail or otherwise assassinate a thread. If you don't like a thread, don't post in it. This isn't a forum for trash talking and flame wars.
5. Race, Gender, Sexual Preference, Religion, Political Views
6. Keep your posts at a PG level. Posts that are/contain nudity, porn, obscenity, gore, death, or extreme violence are not allowed. This also includes profanity; there is a profanity filter that should not be intentionally circumvented.
7. Don't post anything that could be considered illegal or considered to incite or further criminal activity. This include posting copyrighted material (quote an article and post a link rather than copy/pasting the whole article for example) or linking to pirate sites.
8. Don't post anything harmful or dangerous to another poster's welfare. This includes posting personal information, viruses or malicious links, and posts designed to abuse or threaten the mental or physical welfare of the other poster.
9. Do not post just to self-promote. No advertising, no posting of affiliate links, and no posting personal links to games where generating traffic is involved in winning. If you want to pay to advertise a business or site, contact Bingo. Putting a link to your site in your sig is ok. If in doubt, ask first.
10. Duplicate accounts are not allowed. If you are temporarily suspended, do not register a new account to circumvent the suspension.
11. Be considerate of others when posting, both with text and images. Keep images of a reasonable size, and posts readable and not disruptive.
12. Requests for poll hijacking are generally not allowed.
Sub-Forum Specific Guidelines
Additional guidelines are posted for the subforums that have them:
Fire On Ice Sub-Forum Guidelines
Buy/Sell Sub-Forum Guidelines
Ticket Buy/Sell Sub-Forum Guidelines
Power Ring Sub-Forum Guidelines
By registering you agree to abide by these guidelines (more detail is
here). The guidelines is not meant to be the final word, but a set of guidelines to communicate the spirit of things.
By registering or posting to Calgarypuck you agree that you or your posts may be subject to the moderation and administration processes are outlined
Calgarypuck makes an effort to moderate the content of the posts made by members but it is impossible to review all messages at all times. All content are the expressed views of the author; the owners, administrators and moderators are not responsible for the content of any message.
Any content published on Calgarypuck by a registered user is copyright the registered user. By using Calgarypuck the registered user grants Calgarypuck a non-exclusive license to publish, re-publish, or otherwise reproduce the content they create in part or in its entirety as Calgarypuck sees fit, in perpetuity.
The forum is copyright Calgarypuck.
Calgarypuck takes your privacy seriously and does not sell or share any information you provide with anyone else. A complete privacy statement is
Account Deletion
Calgarypuck generally does not delete accounts. If you wish to have your account deactivated contact a moderator and your account can be retired.