By registering on Calgarypuck you agree to allow Calgarypuck to collect and store certain private information necessary to the operation of the forum and registration process. While Calgarypuck is an anonymous forum (posters do not have to use their real identity to post with), we do require that all posters have real identities that are verified. The information that is collected is used to verify your identity. The specifics of what information is required and how it is used is detailed below.
All registrations are held and manually reviewed to confirm that the information provided is consistent and belongs to a person. This can take some time, the more information provided the more quickly the registration can be processed.
We respect your privacy and will never share your personal information without permission unless deemed necessary in cases of safety or compelled to by law.
Providing false information will result in an account being banned.
Information Collected (Required unless otherwise specified):
User Name
This is the user name that will identify you and be visible to everyone who visits the forum.
Used to log into the forum. Your password is stored in such a way that it can never be viewed by anyone, if you lose it we cannot tell you what it is. We will never ask you for your password. If lost it can be reset.
Email Address
All users must provide an email address, which will be verified during the registration process. Add "" to your safe senders if you have a spam filter to ensure you receive the email.
Registrations from temporary or throwaway email addresses are not allowed.
We will search for your email address so if you have one that is publicly associated with you using that one will aid in the registration process.
Real Name
Your real name. This will not be visible to or shared with other posters and will only be used to verify your identity.
Real Province/State and Real Country
Where you are or will be typically posting from. Your registration IP address may be checked in comparison to this. If you are registering from a different location temporarily (travelling, etc) you may note that here.
Social Media or Other Verification Links (Optional)
Use these fields to provide links that can be used to verify your identity. Facebook, LinkedIn, twitter, etc. Established accounts demonstrate a history while brand new accounts do not.
Additional verification to demonstrate that the account belongs to you may be requested (i.e. asking you to send a private message via that account).
Any other links that you feel can be used to verify your identity (company bios, sites you own, etc) can also be entered here.
Mobile Number (Optional)
Your mobile phone number that can accept an SMS. This is not an automated process yet.
If you provide a number we may send you a verification code via SMS. You should receive an email if we do so informing of you of this, reply to that email (or send one to the verification code from the email address you used to register to complete the verification.
This field is required so enter 4035551212 if you are not providing a number.