In the interest of keeping the forums readable we'd like to suggest a few guidelines to use when using the quote feature of the forum.
The forum displays in a threaded view so the histories of each post don't HAVE to be redisplayed for every single reply.
Try addressing your post to the person if it is a direct reply without using quotes at all:
Dude, I agree with your last post
Or try quoting only the portion of their post you are replying to rather than the whole post by editing out the majority of it:
<snip> and that's why I think the Flames will win the cup.
You might be right but these points I disagree with, blah blah blah
In the case of back and forth exchanges, there is no need to maintain every single quote from the beginning.
This isn't necessary:
Remove the previous quotes and just focus on what's necessary to communcate.