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Old 10-16-2022, 11:49 PM   #2401
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Jesus, she'd already made it clear that she's nuts but why in the world would you go after the dam? Bonkers.
"This has been TheScorpion's shtick for years. All these hot takes, clickbait nonsense just to feed his social media algorithms." –Tuco

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Old 10-17-2022, 12:12 AM   #2402
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Default Alberta Politics & Government Thread 3.0

I don’t know what Smith’s exact words were on this, but Nenshi kind of came to her defence on this, assuming she wasn’t considering cancelling the project.
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Old 10-17-2022, 12:46 AM   #2403
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Originally Posted by b1crunch View Post
I'm not saying I agree with Muta and his original post, but like it or not people expressing views related to or similar to the convoys back in January are not going to get tons of support from a large portion of Canada. You complain that Muta expressed a 'bully mentality' when that is exactly how many felt about the original convoy protestors. I'm pretty sure the people of downtown Ottawa felt like they were being bullied as well.

Right or wrong, the convoy protestors acted in a way that garnered a lot of hate to their cause. It's only natural now that some people in society will look down upon them (or others protesting in a similar fashion).

People have the right to express themselves in this country, but that doesn't mean they're free from ridicule. Free expression goes both ways.
Where exactly would people like protests of the federal government? The government conducts business in Ottawa. They protested all across Canada on the way there. They had people all along the way on the side of the highway in freezing temperatures offering support by ways of money, repairs, meals and kind words.

Those living in Ottawa unfortunately likely know if protests against the government are going to occur they are going to occur in their city. It sucks but comes with the territory. It’s not like government just moved to that city.

Obviously a protest of that magnitude isn’t going to come without logistical challenges. However the organizers did everything they could to try to make their point but keep lanes open for emergency vehicles, organize crews to shovel roadways and sidewalks, and support businesses who served them.

Was there some residents who opposed the protest absolutely. There were also others who helped offer housing, showers, meals and fuel/supplies.

There were businesses that opened did very well and appreciated the support from those buying goods and services from them.

As with any protest I’m sure not all the people there were perfect , the ones I knew that were there were very good people and that were leaders in their communities and very well respected both before and after.

I know of other protests were things got out of hand and innocent peoples businesses were burnt and looted. Despite those starting with good causes the bad apples within the protest tarnished it a bit with poor decisions.

On this one I do believe which media sources one got their information from helped shape their feelings. If one watched CBC, CTV, global etc(the ones who receive at least 600 million a year to be a “trusted source” of the liberal government) one would likely have got the worst of the worst and only showing interviews of people who were bothered and wanting them gone, but never showing anyone who appreciated the peacefulness and helpful nature of most of the protesters.

If one watched true north or rebel there would have been lots of supportive interviews of truckers and showing people that were appreciative of them being there.

I do really wish there was more middle ground with media where they could share the news truthfully and one could decide what to feel about it. Right now it feels like most news tells you how to feel about a story and one is left trying to figure out what is true and to what extent.
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Old 10-17-2022, 01:30 AM   #2404
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Originally Posted by b1crunch View Post
I mean what alternative would you have preferred? As I said in a previous post, modern society has always been about balancing individual rights with collective security/safety. The pandemic was this on steroids.

Covid presented society (and the governments of the time) with an unprecedented challenge that they were ill-equipped to handle. Government leaders were presented with terrible possibilities related to the spread of Covid and imposed measures that they thought might help. I'm not saying everything that was done was right or just, but it's incredibly disingenuous to look back now with hindsight and judge the actions of governments in a time of crisis.

I'm fairly confident Kenney (and other government leaders) really did not want to impose any restrictions or mandates but did them because the alternative could have resulted in mass spread of the virus and the overloading of our healthcare system.

So if you're now saying that the government should never have imposed these restrictions/mandates, than that's fine. But you need to understand you're actions would have likely overloaded the healthcare system and led to much more hardship in our society. Kenney did what he had to without actually limiting anyone's rights. I understand you feel like your rights were limited, but they weren't.
Alternatively I would have preferred a system based on safety rather that segregating politics. One that didn’t divide society over a medical choice, but rather on those that where ill with COVID and those who are not.

While I didn’t always believe the testing mechanisms were of great quality or perfect accuracy, many said they may have been the best we had.

I believe I gave those with the vaxpass a false sense of security if they thought they may have had a sniffle but in their minds likely not COVID as the pass said they could go to do whatever that allowed them to.

RedHot25 made mention that his father was at risk but people kept coming in sick. Now I’m not sure if he can guarantee that those people were all unvaxxed for COVID or if it’s possible that they were vaxxed for it and came it because of a false sense of security.

Either way it would have worked out much better if all had stayed away from others if any symptoms at all. I obviously preferred less restrictions as my experience with it and many others around me (including my 76 year old fathers who had previously had several bouts of pneumonia throughout his life ) was that it was a not very fun but short lived cold and flu symptom like virus. One that doctors healing orders were rest, isolation and lots of fluids.

I could understand recommendations, precautions, and updates throughout. I could understand some sort of restrictions on those with COVID or COVID symptoms.

As we found out they made restrictions on the ones who didn’t have a vaxpass with or without covid, and no restrictions on those who had a vaxpass with or without covid.

Had an approach been made more sense for health and not politics one could have accepted it. As soon as the negative test was no longer accepted and only the pass, but yet fully vaccinated groups(like the flames and almost every other nhl team last year) were being affected and only one group of people with or without covid was barred from most aspects of society did it unfairly divide.

Agree or disagree(which I’m sure most will) I appreciate that we are mostly back to normal now and hoping it continues to go that way until all restrictions and mandates are gone. I hope for a provincial government that works as strongly as possible for ALL Albertans going forward.
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Old 10-17-2022, 01:44 AM   #2405
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In case anyone is curious here are some media bias ratings:

CTV News: Least Biased. High Factual Reporting.

Global News: Left Centre Bias. High Factual Reporting.

True North: Right Bias. Mixed Factual Reporting.

Rebel News: Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, poor sourcing, and several failed fact checks. Mixed Factual Reporting.
The masses of humanity have always had to surf.
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Old 10-17-2022, 01:59 AM   #2406
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Originally Posted by 14Roman14 View Post
Where exactly would people like protests of the federal government? The government conducts business in Ottawa. They protested all across Canada on the way there. They had people all along the way on the side of the highway in freezing temperatures offering support by ways of money, repairs, meals and kind words.

Those living in Ottawa unfortunately likely know if protests against the government are going to occur they are going to occur in their city. It sucks but comes with the territory. It’s not like government just moved to that city.
I never said there was anything wrong with a protest in Ottawa. It's perfectly fine. However, the tactics used by the protestors irked some people. Its also my opinion that the convoys in January started as a protest and morphed into an occupation, which is where it crossed the line. Also, the guys who brought the guns to the Coutts border was kind of terrible. If you can't see the negative sides/outcomes of the convoys, then I'm sorry, but they occurred. I'm not saying it was all negative, but a lot of it was. As such, many across this country view the protestors in a negative light. That's the consequences.

Originally Posted by 14Roman14 View Post
Obviously a protest of that magnitude isn’t going to come without logistical challenges. However the organizers did everything they could to try to make their point but keep lanes open for emergency vehicles, organize crews to shovel roadways and sidewalks, and support businesses who served them.

Was there some residents who opposed the protest absolutely. There were also others who helped offer housing, showers, meals and fuel/supplies.

There were businesses that opened did very well and appreciated the support from those buying goods and services from them.
Sure, some people in Ottawa may have appreciated the protestors, but very many likely did not. Regardless, the 'protest' went on for too long and caused too much havoc to central Ottawa. You will disagree with that point, but that's fine. There was a news report the other day about how some businesses in downtown Ottawa are still struggling because less and less Ottawa citizens are going down to that area. So, I'm not so sure all people in Ottawa would share your point of view.

Originally Posted by 14Roman14 View Post
As with any protest I’m sure not all the people there were perfect , the ones I knew that were there were very good people and that were leaders in their communities and very well respected both before and after.

I know of other protests were things got out of hand and innocent peoples businesses were burnt and looted. Despite those starting with good causes the bad apples within the protest tarnished it a bit with poor decisions.
Right, and people in the convoys in January had Confederate Flags, Nazi symbols, stood on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, honked horns endlessly which was I'm sure terrible for the citizens in the area. Doesn't mean everyone down there was terrible or wrong. Citizens should be allowed to protest. But you can't block roadways forever and occupy a city. It has to end at some point. Also, Pat King, one of the leaders of the convoy was/is a terrible person with terrible beliefs. Not sure that's debatable.

Originally Posted by 14Roman14 View Post
On this one I do believe which media sources one got their information from helped shape their feelings. If one watched CBC, CTV, global etc(the ones who receive at least 600 million a year to be a “trusted source” of the liberal government) one would likely have got the worst of the worst and only showing interviews of people who were bothered and wanting them gone, but never showing anyone who appreciated the peacefulness and helpful nature of most of the protesters.
I'm sorry, but if you're suggesting that CBC, Global News and CTV are some kind of propaganda wing for the Liberal Party then you're way out there in terms of your beliefs. You're now the second person I've talked to on here who said these things (I think Stickman was the other). Any notion that the media in this country is a propaganda wing for Trudeau and the Liberals is laughable and you're not going to be taken seriously. The fact that you believe this is both terrifying and hilarious.

Was the CBC a biased propaganda wing of Harper when he was PM?

What if PP doesn't defund the CBC if he become PM? Will the CBC then be a propagandist wing of his government?

All media is biased regardless of if it receives funding from the government. Just because the CBC receives funding does not mean it's biased for Trudeau.'

I'm sorry but I can't take anyone seriously when they say the things your saying.

Originally Posted by 14Roman14 View Post
If one watched true north or rebel there would have been lots of supportive interviews of truckers and showing people that were appreciative of them being there.

I do really wish there was more middle ground with media where they could share the news truthfully and one could decide what to feel about it. Right now it feels like most news tells you how to feel about a story and one is left trying to figure out what is true and to what extent.
You know that these two statements are ridiculous right? You literally list two 'news' sources (true north and rebel) that are terribly biased to one side and then lament that the media isn't more middle grounded. I'm struggling to take you seriously here because what you're saying is ridiculously contradictory.

I mean your final statement is a perfect description of what Rebel and True North do. They beat the same drum over and over, and get their audience to believe ridiculous lies, some of which you discussed above.

I said this in another post on this forum, literally all media is biased. They are products of people and all people are biased. I'm biased, you're biased, everyone is. Your job as the consumer of the media is to recognize the bias and get your information from multiple sources and then balance out the bias to the best of your ability. It's an imperfect system, but it is what it is. If you only listen to sources of information that you like, then what the hell is the point?

Last edited by b1crunch; 10-17-2022 at 02:09 AM.
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Old 10-17-2022, 02:09 AM   #2407
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Originally Posted by RedHot25 View Post

For all this waxing about treating people with respect, kindness of differing viewpoints, etc etc, it sure seems to be lacking towards people like, well, in my family - seniors, people with significant health issues, etc.

Respect and kindness for me, but not for thee indeed.
The quote you were replying here was commenting on choosing French fries versus onion rings.

The provincial government chose to restrict those without a vax pass with or without COVID, while allowing those with a pass to continue going to events and restaurants and on flights.

I am sorry that you have family with age and conditions favourable to COVID infections.

I also have a father who is 76 now who had pneumonia at least 4 times throughout his life. He had COVID and was over it in 4 days. I was very cautious about seeing him, and hope others whether they had a vax pass or not were the same around him.

I just don’t understand anyone’s blame of lack of respect for those without the vax pass who were being careful and going out only without symptoms. While possibly forgiving or at least giving a pass to people who went out with a false sense of security and possibly infected others.

You’ve shared a bunch of old tweets of our current premier condemning her and trying to make her look bad and calling her a lunatic. However you’ve not posted anything to prove her claims are false. The one that said that out of the deaths in Canada that week only one was without a vax pass, do you know with 100 percent certainty that that was false. If not that tweet supports her comments and makes one wonder why healthy Canadians without a pass still weren’t allowed out of the country or on a plane at that time.

I know you and most here do not want a government led by her. I still am not decided on my vote but do know it will not be for those that plan on segregating society for any reason in the future. I do very much hope she continues to be honest and open and eventually wins over some of you on other topics. If not it it what it is and I hope everyone gets what they are looking for with their vote.
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Old 10-17-2022, 02:22 AM   #2408
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Originally Posted by 14Roman14 View Post
Alternatively I would have preferred a system based on safety rather that segregating politics. One that didn’t divide society over a medical choice, but rather on those that where ill with COVID and those who are not.

While I didn’t always believe the testing mechanisms were of great quality or perfect accuracy, many said they may have been the best we had.

I believe I gave those with the vaxpass a false sense of security if they thought they may have had a sniffle but in their minds likely not COVID as the pass said they could go to do whatever that allowed them to.

RedHot25 made mention that his father was at risk but people kept coming in sick. Now I’m not sure if he can guarantee that those people were all unvaxxed for COVID or if it’s possible that they were vaxxed for it and came it because of a false sense of security.

Either way it would have worked out much better if all had stayed away from others if any symptoms at all. I obviously preferred less restrictions as my experience with it and many others around me (including my 76 year old fathers who had previously had several bouts of pneumonia throughout his life ) was that it was a not very fun but short lived cold and flu symptom like virus. One that doctors healing orders were rest, isolation and lots of fluids.

I could understand recommendations, precautions, and updates throughout. I could understand some sort of restrictions on those with COVID or COVID symptoms.

As we found out they made restrictions on the ones who didn’t have a vaxpass with or without covid, and no restrictions on those who had a vaxpass with or without covid.

Had an approach been made more sense for health and not politics one could have accepted it. As soon as the negative test was no longer accepted and only the pass, but yet fully vaccinated groups(like the flames and almost every other nhl team last year) were being affected and only one group of people with or without covid was barred from most aspects of society did it unfairly divide.

Agree or disagree(which I’m sure most will) I appreciate that we are mostly back to normal now and hoping it continues to go that way until all restrictions and mandates are gone. I hope for a provincial government that works as strongly as possible for ALL Albertans going forward.
I found this very hard to understand, so I'm not sure I fully understand you. You obviously did not support any kind of restrictions for those that are unvaxxed, and instead support the idea that we should have focused our efforts on isolating people who had symptoms? Is this correct?

What would you have done to slow or stop the overflowing of hospitals in this province? The ones that were overflowing with unvaxxed patients during our highest waves.

Because that was the biggest issue of the pandemic, and was the basis for the government pressuring people to get vaxxed.
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Old 10-17-2022, 02:23 AM   #2409
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Originally Posted by FireGilbert View Post
In case anyone is curious here are some media bias ratings:

CTV News: Least Biased. High Factual Reporting.

Global News: Left Centre Bias. High Factual Reporting.

True North: Right Bias. Mixed Factual Reporting.

Rebel News: Right Biased and Questionable based on the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, poor sourcing, and several failed fact checks. Mixed Factual Reporting.
Again even these are arbitrary and of the opinion of the “fact checker”

A left leaning person is going to give a different rating and opinion of certain outlets than a right leaning and vice versa. We don’t know the back ground of the people that rate these so biases are going to be judged differently.
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Old 10-17-2022, 02:50 AM   #2410
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Originally Posted by 14Roman14 View Post
Again even these are arbitrary and of the opinion of the “fact checker”

A left leaning person is going to give a different rating and opinion of certain outlets than a right leaning and vice versa. We don’t know the back ground of the people that rate these so biases are going to be judged differently.
No, they are not arbitrary. Opinions cannot be discredited through fact-checking, only things stated as fact.

And if you don't think a website dedicated to media bias and fact-checking can reasonably ascertain media bias with all of their resources, why would you believe that you, with surely far fewer man-hours than their team has, could competently make such assessments? Why should anyone else take your word for who is biased, and who isn't, when you assert that such judgments are arbitrary?

And the reason why focusing on symptoms would not have been viable is the early prevalence of asymptomatic spread.
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Old 10-17-2022, 03:05 AM   #2411
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Originally Posted by b1crunch View Post
I never said there was anything wrong with a protest in Ottawa. It's perfectly fine. However, the tactics used by the protestors irked some people. Its also my opinion that the convoys in January started as a protest and morphed into an occupation, which is where it crossed the line. Also, the guys who brought the guns to the Coutts border was kind of terrible. If you can't see the negative sides/outcomes of the convoys, then I'm sorry, but they occurred. I'm not saying it was all negative, but a lot of it was. As such, many across this country view the protestors in a negative light. That's the consequences.

Sure, some people in Ottawa may have appreciated the protestors, but very many likely did not. Regardless, the 'protest' went on for too long and caused too much havoc to central Ottawa. You will disagree with that point, but that's fine. There was a news report the other day about how some businesses in downtown Ottawa are still struggling because less and less Ottawa citizens are going down to that area. So, I'm not so sure all people in Ottawa would share your point of view.

Right, and people in the convoys in January had Confederate Flags, Nazi symbols, stood on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, honked horns endlessly which was I'm sure terrible for the citizens in the area. Doesn't mean everyone down there was terrible or wrong. Citizens should be allowed to protest. But you can't block roadways forever and occupy a city. It has to end at some point. Also, Pat King, one of the leaders of the convoy was/is a terrible person with terrible beliefs. Not sure that's debatable.

I'm sorry, but if you're suggesting that CBC, Global News and CTV are some kind of propaganda wing for the Liberal Party then you're way out there in terms of your beliefs. You're now the second person I've talked to on here who said these things (I think Stickman was the other). Any notion that the media in this country is a propaganda wing for Trudeau and the Liberals is laughable and you're not going to be taken seriously. The fact that you believe this is both terrifying and hilarious.

Was the CBC a biased propaganda wing of Harper when he was PM?

What if PP doesn't defund the CBC if he become PM? Will the CBC then be a propagandist wing of his government?

All media is biased regardless of if it receives funding from the government. Just because the CBC receives funding does not mean it's biased for Trudeau.'

I'm sorry but I can't take anyone seriously when they say the things your saying.

You know that these two statements are ridiculous right? You literally list two 'news' sources (true north and rebel) that are terribly biased to one side and then lament that the media isn't more middle grounded. I'm struggling to take you seriously here because what you're saying is ridiculously contradictory.

I mean your final statement is a perfect description of what Rebel and True North do. They beat the same drum over and over, and get their audience to believe ridiculous lies, some of which you discussed above.

I said this in another post on this forum, literally all media is biased. They are products of people and all people are biased. I'm biased, you're biased, everyone is. Your job as the consumer of the media is to recognize the bias and get your information from multiple sources and then balance out the bias to the best of your ability. It's an imperfect system, but it is what it is. If you only listen to sources of information that you like, then what the hell is the point?
Many will say that the restrictions started out as two weeks to flatten the curve but crossed the line when it segregated society into haves and have nots instead of infected and not infected The lack of understanding irked many of the protesters and their supporters.

As for the guns, you do know that it is not illegal to transport an unloaded unrestricted firearm right? Now if there was intent to use that firearm for criminal activity then that obviously changes, and I agree is terrible. However none of this has been proven in court yet and I believe in Canada we are innocent until proven guilty.

Unfortunately I have heard the same about some businesses in Ottawa struggling, but I’m sure it doesn’t help that many government workers who commuted to that area are still working from home. Also that Wellington street and many others are blocked off, not by trucks but by barricades and fences making it harder for vehicles to navigate that area. Can’t blame the trucks for that when they are no longer there.

Debatable but deplorable if it was a person of the protest. Many in the convoy knew each other or had met each other along the way to Ottawa. Everyone that was there said they did not recognize those people and had never seen them at all till that point. They felt that those were people trying to discredit the movement and make them look like awful people when most of them were everyday hard working middle class citizens.

Even if there was one or two people there with racist views it would have been insane for them to fly easily symbols when under the microscope like that. It angers me if that was a set up and also if it was really someone with those views.
The protest was never about race, however it was about discrimination and fighting against it. Neither of those flags you mention support what the protesters were protesting, but it does discredit the movement and offer politicians to pull the race card and discredit the whole thing whether true or not. As for the tomb of the unmarked soldiers, after hearing of the incident(where again nobody knew the individual defacing it) there were veterans who were part of the convoy that volunteered to stand guard of that monument 24 seven the entire rest of the protest to ensure it never happened again. I am not a huge Pat King fan.

Harper did not give a 600 million bailout to “trusted media” in 2019. Trudeau did. Guess who gets to decide who it trusted? And are you going to risk losing that funding by reporting positively on issues the liberals see as negative?
Agree or disagree, they are literally getting funding to be “trusted”
While the other two meds sources are biased(much less true north than rebel yet still biased) they are not getting any government funding. When was the last time you heard a negative cbc Trudeau story? He will go to an event and get booed by protestors and the news will say “poor Justin out working hard for Canadians and these mean people are being so mean.”
The man was basically drunk in a hotel lobby the night before the queens funeral singing bohemian rhapsody, and the news from cbc had a story on how he was interacting with fans rather than how disrespectful he was being,

If PP doesn’t defund them(which I think he will if he gets in) and offers up 600 million to trusted sources I would definitely think their tune may change a bit to get a piece of that pie. I truly hope that’s not the case though.

You are right about biases, I just wish we could combine all four and maybe we’d get some sort of media that was more in the middle. It’s a big ask, but I think I can ask and hope.

Last edited by 14Roman14; 10-17-2022 at 03:10 AM.
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Old 10-17-2022, 03:32 AM   #2412
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Originally Posted by 14Roman14 View Post
Many will say that the restrictions started out as two weeks to flatten the curve but crossed the line when it segregated society into haves and have nots instead of infected and not infected The lack of understanding irked many of the protesters and their supporters.

As for the guns, you do know that it is not illegal to transport an unloaded unrestricted firearm right? Now if there was intent to use that firearm for criminal activity then that obviously changes, and I agree is terrible. However none of this has been proven in court yet and I believe in Canada we are innocent until proven guilty.

Unfortunately I have heard the same about some businesses in Ottawa struggling, but I’m sure it doesn’t help that many government workers who commuted to that area are still working from home. Also that Wellington street and many others are blocked off, not by trucks but by barricades and fences making it harder for vehicles to navigate that area. Can’t blame the trucks for that when they are no longer there.

Debatable but deplorable if it was a person of the protest. Many in the convoy knew each other or had met each other along the way to Ottawa. Everyone that was there said they did not recognize those people and had never seen them at all till that point. They felt that those were people trying to discredit the movement and make them look like awful people when most of them were everyday hard working middle class citizens.

Even if there was one or two people there with racist views it would have been insane for them to fly easily symbols when under the microscope like that. It angers me if that was a set up and also if it was really someone with those views.
The protest was never about race, however it was about discrimination and fighting against it. Neither of those flags you mention support what the protesters were protesting, but it does discredit the movement and offer politicians to pull the race card and discredit the whole thing whether true or not. As for the tomb of the unmarked soldiers, after hearing of the incident(where again nobody knew the individual defacing it) there were veterans who were part of the convoy that volunteered to stand guard of that monument 24 seven the entire rest of the protest to ensure it never happened again. I am not a huge Pat King fan.

Harper did not give a 600 million bailout to “trusted media” in 2019. Trudeau did. Guess who gets to decide who it trusted? And are you going to risk losing that funding by reporting positively on issues the liberals see as negative?
Agree or disagree, they are literally getting funding to be “trusted”
While the other two meds sources are biased(much less true north than rebel yet still biased) they are not getting any government funding. When was the last time you heard a negative cbc Trudeau story? He will go to an event and get booed by protestors and the news will say “poor Justin out working hard for Canadians and these mean people are being so mean.”
The man was basically drunk in a hotel lobby the night before the queens funeral singing bohemian rhapsody, and the news from cbc had a story on how he was interacting with fans rather than how disrespectful he was being,

If PP doesn’t defund them(which I think he will if he gets in) and offers up 600 million to trusted sources I would definitely think their tune may change a bit to get a piece of that pie. I truly hope that’s not the case though.

You are right about biases, I just wish we could combine all four and maybe we’d get some sort of media that was more in the middle. It’s a big ask, but I think I can ask and hope.
Yeah, I'm done with this conversation. You're too far out there with your beliefs/views for me to reasonably discuss this with you. Besides I'm not interested in revisiting the convoy protests anymore. It's pointless and the exact thing that started this whole conversation with Smith. She brought up a divisive subject and divided Albertans. I'm out.
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Old 10-17-2022, 03:48 AM   #2413
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Originally Posted by b1crunch View Post
I found this very hard to understand, so I'm not sure I fully understand you. You obviously did not support any kind of restrictions for those that are unvaxxed, and instead support the idea that we should have focused our efforts on isolating people who had symptoms? Is this correct?

What would you have done to slow or stop the overflowing of hospitals in this province? The ones that were overflowing with unvaxxed patients during our highest waves.

Because that was the biggest issue of the pandemic, and was the basis for the government pressuring people to get vaxxed.
Pretty close. It wouldn’t have been perfect either, but what they did obviously wasn’t perfect either.

In Edmonton, early on in the shut down they had constructed the butter dome into a giant COVID overflow hospital. By the time the largest waves happened they had already unassembled it all and it was no longer available. What a giant waste of taxpayer money that was. What was the treatment for COVID patients for the most part? Likely oxygen, maybe iv fluids, rest and isolation. What a better place than an isolated hospital setting just for COVID patients moderately staffed, but those staff obviously getting paid accordingly. I think that could have helped a lot saving the spread of COVID throughout multiple hospitals within a city. It also would have kept a dedicated staff not as worried about anything but treating non COVID issues flow going.

It didn’t help that by this time there were mandates in place preventing perfectly healthy (without COVID) nurses and doctors who had made it through the first wave perfectly fine from helping with the next wave, reducing capacities.

There was some merit in having restrictions where there were options for a negative test. While I wasn’t always in agreement with the cycle threshold on the test, it at least made more sense health wise to allow testing to be an option. As soon as they segregated and said that the vaxxed who could also have COVID could do whatever they wanted including flying, restaurants, concerts, and hockey games even if they didn’t have COVID, was the kicker for me. Especially when I had gotten a blood test confirming my previous COVID infection and a very high immunity to the virus. That’s another one that I felt could have been used more to allow less segregation, more normalcy and yet not increase infections.

I know everyone’s situation and experience is different. The people I know who passed on sadly were vaxxed, I have many friends and family that are and are not. The ones who weren’t that got COVID had mild cold like symptoms, the ones who were had minor cold like symptoms other than the ones who passed unfortunately. Since then it seems like a ton of the people I know who had freedom to live normally have missed a lot of days of work with sniffles and coughs while the rest haven’t dropped dead like many said, and some on this forum almost seem like they had hoped (not this poster who I’m replying to, thank you for your mostly respectful back and forth) and have not hardly missed a day of work.
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Old 10-17-2022, 05:18 AM   #2414
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Originally Posted by 14Roman14 View Post
Again even these are arbitrary and of the opinion of the “fact checker”
are you a parody account
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Old 10-17-2022, 05:29 AM   #2415
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Originally Posted by 14Roman14 View Post
Many will say that the restrictions started out as two weeks to flatten the curve but crossed the line when it segregated society into haves and have nots instead of infected and not infected The lack of understanding irked many of the protesters and their supporters.
So instead of a ‘I have a vaccine/I have not a vaccine’ card segregating society, a ‘I have Covid/I have not Covid’ card system should have segregated society?
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Old 10-17-2022, 06:03 AM   #2416
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Originally Posted by Roughneck View Post
So instead of a ‘I have a vaccine/I have not a vaccine’ card segregating society, a ‘I have Covid/I have not Covid’ card system should have segregated society?

Of course. Those who want freedom would never get tested so they would never have Covid and would never be segregated
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Old 10-17-2022, 06:29 AM   #2417
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Is this really the thread to rehash the Covid lockdowns/freedom protest? This has been going on, on and off, for like 10 pages. I understand one poster is driving the majority of that conversation, but maybe we just stop replying to them?

I come in here for Alberta politics, scrolling through countless posts about Covid (all of which has been debated here ad nasuem) kind of ruins the thread imo. I understand there is a bit of crossover with Smith being such a dunderhead and having made numerous comments regarding Covid. But there is an entire sub forum for Covid, surely that debate can be had there...?

Edit: I should add something to the thread I suppose. For what it's worth, I'm living out of the province atm, not sure if I'll be living there next election. If I am though, I'll be casting my first ever ballot for the NDP. Smith is a complete disaster in every way. If she somehow wins the election and stays in power for a few years you'll likely see the GWB effect wrt Kenney. A few years of Smith and people who hated Kenney with a passion will be saying "he wasn't that bad, look at HER!". For the record though, he was that bad.

Last edited by TheKiprusoffResurrection; 10-17-2022 at 06:37 AM.
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Old 10-17-2022, 06:32 AM   #2418
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Originally Posted by 14Roman14 View Post

On this one I do believe which media sources one got their information from helped shape their feelings. If one watched CBC, CTV, global etc(the ones who receive at least 600 million a year to be a “trusted source” of the liberal government) one would likely have got the worst of the worst and only showing interviews of people who were bothered and wanting them gone, but never showing anyone who appreciated the peacefulness and helpful nature of most of the protesters.
This is factually untrue. You have been greatly deceived. I don't know if your brain is just more susceptible to welcoming bull####, or you get something out of this financially, but there is no world in which Rebel media is providing anything close to factual news. I watched plenty of it through the protests, it was absolute trash.

And to downplay the misery and sufferings Ottawa residents went through? Seriously, what is wrong with your conscience? Were you born without an ounce of humanity? You can't get vaccinated to protect those less fortunate than you. You listen to lies spewed by bad actors, and you prance around here like you have some moral highground from it all. You really are a horrible person and seem to revel in making our country a worse place to live. Go think about it for a bit, maybe one day you can come back and be a bit more Canadian. Until then, no one here wants to read your bull####. Take a hint.
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Old 10-17-2022, 06:39 AM   #2419
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Originally Posted by Macman View Post
Well the poster who thanked your post said she should be buried alive and that she (Smith) should be at home barefoot and pregnant in her kitchen. Are those acceptable things to say or am I being ridiculous and overreacting? Or saying all conservatives can’t think. That’s bigotry.

As far as the list that was posted, Smith has been premier for a week.
So presumably you are referring to me. I don't understand why posters go all coy with usernames. Anyway, the "buried alive" was presumably referring to this:

It was clearly said in jest, but it also would some decent advise for her, because she wouldn't have such a an easy time inserting her head up her ass, it being buried in clay and all.

As to the second bit, if you are still referring to me I'd ask you post a link to that, because it doesn't sound like something I would say. I am not a misogynist. Would it make sense for me to support Notley over Kenney if I was? If you can't find it, I'd ask you to remove it before I get the mods to, as it is slander.
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Old 10-17-2022, 08:12 AM   #2420
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Originally Posted by Roughneck View Post
So instead of a ‘I have a vaccine/I have not a vaccine’ card segregating society, a ‘I have Covid/I have not Covid’ card system should have segregated society?
Um, yes.
I could completely understand a system that would not allow(segregate)those with a positive COVID test to fly, enter a concert, restaurant or sporting event.
Possibly even something incorporating blood tests with high immunity levels and negative COVID tests for short periods of time during the worst days.
Once the only option healthy people with a negative test lost the right to live in society was when myself and many like me really disagreed. It’s also why we do not support any NDP led leaders as they pushed hard for a system like the one that was in place and criticized loudly every time restrictions were removed whether warranted or not.
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