The liberal left has really made me sick to my stomach, this is my philosophy, liberalism but these people have become the opposite of what this philosophy is all about, trying to shut down speech, stifle any dissent.
We need to stop pretending the dogma that is ascendant on the left today is liberal. It's not. Taking pictures of people going to a movie so you can publicly shame them is about as illiberal as you can get.
Liberals have been left without a political home. If you base your political choices on who is more likely to impose dogmatic conformity on you, then it's pretty clear who your opponents are in 2018.
The adults in the room need to recognize the damage the kids and the identity politics commentariat are doing to the political left. In 1972, the Democrats in the U.S. were captured by culture-wars radicals. They handed Richard Nixon the greatest landslide in American history. What's happening in politics today has the same vibe.
Originally Posted by fotze
If this day gets you riled up, you obviously aren't numb to the disappointment yet to be a real fan.
The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to CliffFletcher For This Useful Post:
"I am actually more excited for the Oilers game tomorrow than the Flames game. I am praying for multiple jersey tosses. The Oilers are my new favourite team for all the wrong reasons. I hate them so much I love them."
We need to stop pretending the dogma that is ascendant on the left today is liberal. It's not. Taking pictures of people going to a movie so you can publicly shame them is about as illiberal as you can get.
Liberals have been left without a political home. If you base your political choices on who is more likely to impose dogmatic conformity on you, then it's pretty clear who your opponents are in 2018.
The adults in the room need to recognize the damage the kids and the identity politics commentariat are doing to the political left. In 1972, the Democrats in the U.S. were captured by culture-wars radicals. They handed Richard Nixon the greatest landslide in American history. What's happening in politics today has the same vibe.
I agree with most of this. That said, it’s unclear who the adults in the room are. Political and social structure is constantly evolving and requires strength to transfer between the left and right. Inevitably, it will always swing back to the middle.
If you look historically, I don’t think damage is being done, I think it’s pretty much on par with the course of human history.
Mostly, I think you see what you want to see based on your bubble. I don’t think the left is doing any more or less “damage” than the right.
Reading this essay over 20+ tweets is just stupid. If you have a message to send that's longer than 240 characters, people should be linking to a different medium.
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Ashasx For This Useful Post:
Liberals have been left without a political home. If you base your political choices on who is more likely to impose dogmatic conformity on you, then it's pretty clear who your opponents are in 2018.
Yeah, I think I'm probably still going to stick with the notion that the group that is rabidly trying to deny equal rights to others while committing actual hate crimes and violence at disproportionately higher rates are still the bigger concern, despite the hysterics from "liberals."
The Following User Says Thank You to rubecube For This Useful Post:
Reading this essay over 20+ tweets is just stupid. If you have a message to send that's longer than 240 characters, people should be linking to a different medium.
I think people should probably just post to whatever medium they believe works best for them and grants them the greatest reach. If that’s a twitter thread, it’s a twitter thread.
This is all so messed up, the daddytoo movement in Iceland is simply about fathers rights in custody courts, laws. Its a legitimate problem that is systemic and I think many of us know how ugly it can get during custody battles where Fathers are most often the ones who suffer the most.
As someone who's spent a considerable amount of time in and among "fathers' rights" groups, they're not all at the different from MRAs.
Seth Abramson @SethAbramson
9/ Peterson is hostile to transgender persons—even regularly mis-citing data on such persons and on being transgender—because he holds an essentialist view of gender that originates in myth. So his postmodernism hides a retrograde philosophy. But where's his post-postmodernism?
Seth Abramson @SethAbramson
9/ Peterson is hostile to transgender persons—even regularly mis-citing data on such persons and on being transgender—because he holds an essentialist view of gender that originates in myth. So his postmodernism hides a retrograde philosophy. But where's his post-postmodernism?
This is really not correct at all.
How is it not?
Originally Posted by Jordan Peterson
“You know you can say, ‘Well isn’t it unfortunate that chaos is represented by the feminine’ — well, it might be unfortunate, but it doesn’t matter because that is how it’s represented. It’s been represented like that forever. And there are reasons for it. You can’t change it. It’s not possible. This is underneath everything. If you change those basic categories, people wouldn’t be human anymore. They’d be something else. They’d be transhuman or something. We wouldn’t be able to talk to these new creatures.”
I don't know how you could call that anything but essentialism.
Yeah, I think I'm probably still going to stick with the notion that the group that is rabidly trying to deny equal rights to others while committing actual hate crimes and violence at disproportionately higher rates are still the bigger concern, despite the hysterics from "liberals."
I agree, but he does have a point that parts of the left latch on to the cause of crushing that toxic ideology and use it to crush much more benign ideology that they simply don’t like.
That said, you could probably start a drinking game where a righteous “liberal” says ‘dogma,’ ‘regressive left,’ or compares a benign left-bias outlet to a right-bias outlet that was in cahoots with actual neo-nazis, and you’d get quite drunk.
“It’s basically Brietbart” is just a new Godwin’s law. It’s pretty funny to see people so adamantly against the public shaming of ideas and shutting down free thought and conversation saying Salon is basically a Brietbart, or that listening to Michael Eric Dyson is basically the same as reading Stormfront.
It’s just funny watching “liberals” unashamedly do the very same things that shout down the dogmatic left for doing.
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to PepsiFree For This Useful Post:
If you played the righteous liberal drinking game on Calgarypuck you'd die of alcohol poisoning after scrolling through a couple of pages of this thread.
We need to stop pretending the dogma that is ascendant on the left today is liberal. It's not. Taking pictures of people going to a movie so you can publicly shame them is about as illiberal as you can get.
Liberals have been left without a political home. If you base your political choices on who is more likely to impose dogmatic conformity on you, then it's pretty clear who your opponents are in 2018.
The adults in the room need to recognize the damage the kids and the identity politics commentariat are doing to the political left. In 1972, the Democrats in the U.S. were captured by culture-wars radicals. They handed Richard Nixon the greatest landslide in American history. What's happening in politics today has the same vibe.
I think this is a good point Cliff. I have expressed in other threads how a lot of what I see on these boards as indicative of the left is not my experience with liberals/democrats/the left.
I have been pretty heavily involved in democratic parties since I was 17. My first election was Gore/Bush in 2000. I have spent countless hours phone banking, doing door to door voter registration and outreach, attending party functions, running congressional campaign websites, running party websites, etc. And never in my time have I encountered the types of people I read about online. I say that not as a brag, but to show I have been exposed for nearly two decades to all sorts of people on the left.
My hope is that these people are indeed marginalized and my experience (over multiple states and groups of people) is indeed representative of the fact that they are not actively driving the left and/or the democratic party. The unfortunate reality though is that even if that is true, the right has already effectively branded the party/the left as nothing but these people we read about online. The left has to do a better job of publicly dismissing those too far left. If we are going to rail on conservatives on climate change for example, we need to also rail on vaxxers who are often to the left.
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to dobbles For This Useful Post:
If you played the righteous liberal drinking game on Calgarypuck you'd die of alcohol poisoning after scrolling through a couple of pages of this thread.
I hope this was meant to be ironic.
The Following User Says Thank You to nik- For This Useful Post: