It really must suck for people of a younger age range who have been brought up in this wave of sometimes faulty and sometimes illogical ideals to have highly educated and intelligent people find a platform on the internet to challenge your long held faulty and sometimes illogical ideals. I get it, you are now questioning yourself and your mediocre education and thought process. May as well just rage against it, which is usually the thought process of children
A dolt that graduates high school at 16, and university at 20.
Cool, and Nellie Bowles is apparently a dolt that graduated from Columbia before becoming an award winning journalist.
What’s your point? That Shapiro can read a book? If you’d like to find a source that confirms his take on enforced monogamy, for instance, please enjoy the search.
Cool, and Nellie Bowles is apparently a dolt that graduated from Columbia before becoming an award winning journalist.
What’s your point? That Shapiro can read a book? If you’d like to find a source that confirms his take on enforced monogamy, for instance, please enjoy the search.
You had me at journalist. Her article is evidence enough.
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to MelBridgeman For This Useful Post:
Cool, and Nellie Bowles is apparently a dolt that graduated from Columbia before becoming an award winning journalist.
What’s your point? That Shapiro can read a book? If you’d like to find a source that confirms his take on enforced monogamy, for instance, please enjoy the search.
This is a fun one.
The Following User Says Thank You to dre For This Useful Post:
I'll take Jordan Peterson over Ben Shapiro every day of the week. I may not agree with much of what Peterson says but at least he still has some humanity in him. Ben Shapiro and the people that like the creep just give me the willie's. Straight up psychopath.
The Following User Says Thank You to icecube For This Useful Post:
Your talent for finding sources that are such obviously biased hit-job tripe that they aren't worth anyone's time to read (regardless of political viewpoint) is almost impressive.
__________________ "The great promise of the Internet was that more information would automatically yield better decisions. The great disappointment is that more information actually yields more possibilities to confirm what you already believed anyway." - Brian Eno
The Following User Says Thank You to CorsiHockeyLeague For This Useful Post:
Your talent for finding sources that are such obviously biased hit-job tripe that they aren't worth anyone's time to read (regardless of political viewpoint) is almost impressive.
RationalWiki is funny! That’s why I said “fun!” Read the about page. You take things very seriously and I admire your dedication to cripplingly depressive nihilism.
RationalWiki is funny! That’s why I said “fun!” Read the about page. You take things very seriously and I admire your dedication to cripplingly depressive nihilism.
I don't really know anything about Ben Shapiro, but it's pretty disingenuous to post a link assaulting the credibility of someone you disagree with that another person has referenced in a discussion, whether in a humorous tone or not, and then say it was just innocent, all in good fun and not meant to be taken seriously. It's not very credible that you weren't purposely posting something to negatively portray that person and undermine their legitimacy. Stooping to being demeaning while pretending to be demure is just being bitchy.
"If stupidity got us into this mess, then why can't it get us out?"
Cool, and Nellie Bowles is apparently a dolt that graduated from Columbia before becoming an award winning journalist.
What’s your point? That Shapiro can read a book? If you’d like to find a source that confirms his take on enforced monogamy, for instance, please enjoy the search.
AltaGuy has a magnetic personality and exudes positive energy, which is infectious to those around him. He has an unparalleled ability to communicate with people, whether he is speaking to a room of three or an arena of 30,000.
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: At le pub...
Like every single philosopher ever, or social “thinker”, Jordan Peterson makes a lot of sense when he’s being “descriptive”, but loses me when he shifts to being “prescriptive”. It’s not just him: Marx, John Stuart Mill, Rawls, Pinker even. It’s always the answer to the question “so what do we do?” where stuff seems to fall apart.
My own hot-take on the single male question is that it’s pretty impossible to separate out that issue from a host of other sociological factors: race, upbringing, education, individual difference and choice. So I don’t consider it as important as compared to say, inequality.
A dolt that graduates high school at 16, and university at 20.
What does age of graduation have to do with anything? I know plenty of people who graduated from high school at 15-16, and I wouldn't call them bright. Those people were usually over-achievers who did extra classes on their own, went to summer school, and dedicated themselves to being a student and not being a kid. I'd maybe focus on his university degree and ask why it took him four years to complete an undergrad degree. I mean, what happened to all that brilliance?
I'm not a fan of Shapiro as I find some of his views abhorrent, but I do respect his approach to having a dialogue. He's not a ######bag like some of his ilk, and he does tend to try and make his discussions less inflammatory than most bomb throwers on the right. As far as it goes, I'd like to have a sit down with him and hoist a few brews while having a casual conversation over important matters. I can't say that about a lot of the commentators out there, on both sides of the political divide.
Originally Posted by flylock shox
One of the reasons I think he gets criticized so much is that he is willing, unlike some academics, to venture into and opine on areas that are beyond his expertise.
The problem is that he speaks to some of these issues like he is an authority when clearly he is not. If he would couch some of his comments by admitting his has nothing more than general knowledge or cursory understanding of the subject matter it would make him easier to accept. This is why I wonder why his faculty has not questioned him at length on his commentary. It's fine to speak to subjects as an academic, but make sure you acknowledge your expertise (or lack thereof) or offer up a path to greater information as part of your commentary.
He's also an advocate in many respects for a group that has been lacking one (or at least a good one). There is a general vilification of males going on at the moment, when at the same time there's plenty of evidence to show that they're struggling. So he has a role to play there too.
Males have been lacking representation? Whaaaaaaaaaaaa???
I wish he'd stop with all the biblical references and just use Aesop's fables or Disney plots to make some of his points though. He loses me with the religious stuff.
I agree, as it hurts his academic cred as well. To me, it's like he does that to score cheap points with his audience as he believes that's what they want hear. Stick with the facts and keep the fantasy/fairy tales to a bare minimum. There are better allegories to rely upon than those in a religious text that more often than not is a dividing factor in our society.
Originally Posted by MelBridgeman
It really must suck for people of a younger age range who have been brought up in this wave of sometimes faulty and sometimes illogical ideals to have highly educated and intelligent people find a platform on the internet to challenge your long held faulty and sometimes illogical ideals. I get it, you are now questioning yourself and your mediocre education and thought process. May as well just rage against it, which is usually the thought process of children
What does this even mean? Was it pulled from a manifesto by this guy?
The Following User Says Thank You to Lanny_McDonald For This Useful Post:
What does this even mean? Was it pulled from a manifesto by this guy?
Don’t you know Mr.Kacsynzki graduated high school at 15 and had his PhD by 25? He’s obviously smarter than everyone, so please don’t question his literature of commentary on the world state.
Anyone who questions him is clearly just an insecure young person rocked by the idea that someone so intelligent has dismantled their views.
Males have been lacking representation? Whaaaaaaaaaaaa???
In public discourse in 2018? Absolutely. The issues that disproportionately affect young women get far, far more media and public attention today than the issues that affect young men. Not twice or three times as much, but five or 10 times as much.
Boys today are doing worse than girls is virtually every metric. In academic achievement in every age, in the number who are dosed with behavior-modifying drugs, in dropping out of school, in drug use, in becoming totally alienated from society. In suicide. And there is no public movement to address this, because too many people are trapped in foolish, binary thinking, and believe that pointing out boys have problems mean neglecting the problems girls have. Or they have even uglier impulses - "it's their turn to suffer now."
That's why enormous media attention and government and corporate resources have been devoted to the under-representation of young women in STEM fields, while almost none has been devoted to the growing disparity in post-secondary education altogether. A recent Mount Royal University alumni magazine featured an article about the steps MRU is taking to encourage more women to enter STEM programs to redress the gender imbalance. This at an institution that has something like 64 per cent female enrollment. No word of what they're doing to address that imbalance. It makes you really wonder if these people are deeply cynical, or just deeply stupid.
Originally Posted by New Era
I agree, as it hurts his academic cred as well. To me, it's like he does that to score cheap points with his audience as he believes that's what they want hear. Stick with the facts and keep the fantasy/fairy tales to a bare minimum. There are better allegories to rely upon than those in a religious text that more often than not is a dividing factor in our society.
You can't understand Western civilization and culture (or any culture for that matter) if you don't understand its religion. You don't have to be religious to get value from studying religion. Thinkers from Nietzsche to Jung to Joseph Campbell have looked to myth, archetype, and religion to understand human consciousness.
In fact, I don't think anyone in Canada can really be regarded as well-educated, in the cultural sense, without a grounding in Christianity. I know that's a big gap in my own education, and one of the reasons I don't get as much out of literature as I could. And I don't think those allegories are divisive. One of the striking things about myths and religion is how alike traditions from all over the world are.
For the record, Peterson is not a church-goer, and equivocates about whether he believes in god.
Originally Posted by fotze
If this day gets you riled up, you obviously aren't numb to the disappointment yet to be a real fan.
Last edited by CliffFletcher; 05-19-2018 at 10:06 AM.