__________________ I don't get your hate. I have 3 degrees I ain't dumb. My dog is well known in a 12 block rural radious.
Your just a.bias idiot that knows nothing it seems.
- combustiblefuel
I think it's disingenuous to act like this isn't always who he's been. He's just gone full mask-off now instead of dog-whistling.
Eh, he's definitely shifted his rhetoric a lot since his early days of fame. At the start, he wasn't nearly so overtly politically focused - he wasn't always talking about government or elected officials. But in order to maintain an audience, and thus a continued stream of money, this is what these folks (almost) all end up doing. At the end of the day the incel crew is his core constituency and he has to give them what they want, or they'll find someone else to pay attention to.
Which isn't to say he isn't a true believer because who the hell even knows what he actually believes, if anything. Because it's absolutely the case that "who he's always been" is a total loon.
__________________ "The great promise of the Internet was that more information would automatically yield better decisions. The great disappointment is that more information actually yields more possibilities to confirm what you already believed anyway." - Brian Eno
The Following User Says Thank You to CorsiHockeyLeague For This Useful Post:
Not sure if this was discussed elsewhere. Looks like Jordan Peterson's application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada has been denied.
Personally, I'm a bit disappointed that the SCC elected not to hear the appeal, mostly because I think it would have provided some added clarity across the country regarding the limits of professional regulator's ability to restrict their member's speech.
Many professionals are understandably concerned about the outcome of this decision, regardless of how they feel about Peterson himself and his views. Interesting contrast between Peterson's case and Shandro's case here in Alberta.
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Fuzzy14 For This Useful Post:
Personally, I'm a bit disappointed that the SCC elected not to hear the appeal, mostly because I think it would have provided some added clarity across the country regarding the limits of professional regulator's ability to restrict their member's speech.
If a lawyer says on twitter that it's legal to traffic kids, is disbarring them an unreasonable "restriction on their speech?"
There's no excuse for a legal professional to be using Twitter.
Well but there's sort of my point. JP has been advocating and promoting ideas that are fundamentally discredited by his profession. He's allowed to do that as a private citizen, but he should not be accredited by his professional association if he's promoting ideas that fly against the field of psychology and psychiatry.
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to rubecube For This Useful Post:
Well but there's sort of my point. JP has been advocating and promoting ideas that are fundamentally discredited by his profession. He's allowed to do that as a private citizen, but he should not be accredited by his professional association if he's promoting ideas that fly against the field of psychology and psychiatry.
Oh I do believe that there is a professional responsibility at play.
However, my post was the ole bait and switch joke. Nothing more.
__________________ "Calgary Flames is the best team in all the land" - My Brainwashed Son
The Following User Says Thank You to Maritime Q-Scout For This Useful Post:
Jordan Peterson has a "University" now where you can pay real money to learn super insightful things from thought leaders who have never heard of the Spanish Flu, such that their ramblings provide solid support to the idea that 5G caused COVID. Deep stuff.
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Fuzz For This Useful Post:
Jordan Peterson has a "University" now where you can pay real money to learn super insightful things from thought leaders who have never heard of the Spanish Flu, such that their ramblings provide solid support to the idea that 5G caused COVID. Deep stuff.
__________________ The Beatings Shall Continue Until Morale Improves!
This Post Has Been Distilled for the Eradication of Seemingly Incurable Sadness.
The World Ends when you're dead. Until then, you've got more punishment in store. - Flames Fans
If you thought this season would have a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention.
It’s still so funny reading the latest zany happenings of Canada’s most famous intellectual and then going back through the first couple pages of this thread.
Corsi’s first post on the subject, 6 years ago, was as true then as it is today.
It’s still so funny reading the latest zany happenings of Canada’s most famous intellectual and then going back through the first couple pages of this thread.
Corsi’s first post on the subject, 6 years ago, was as true then as it is today.
Still perhaps the most hilarious and poorly aged OP in CP history.
Originally Posted by CliffFletcher
So Jordan Peterson's profile has spiked higher in recent days with his interview on Channel 4 in the UK going viral on Youtube.
If he wasn't the the most famous Canadian intellectual in the world before, he is now.
What's been surprising to me is how he's been accepted as a legitimate public figure in the UK. Even the stridently leftist Guardian has posted some thoughtful and respectful pieces on Peterson
So when will Canada's media stop treating him like a pariah? If his politics were more ideologically agreeable to their own, the CBC would have aired a half dozen profiles and interviews with him. Turned him into a homegrown CBC darling.
But nope. Even as his prominence and popularity have grown, the CBC pretends he doesn't exist. Since the interview they did with him 18 months ago when he first took his controversial stand at Laurier, they've ignored him. It's like they wish he would just go away. Which seems a pretty sorry stance for Canada's public broadcaster to take with such a prominent figure.
You don't have to think he's a guru or agree with his criticism of identity politics to recognize that he's an important figure on the cultural and political landscape today. What does it say about the public dialogue in this country that he's being recognized as such in the UK while the Canadian cultural establishment has rendered him persona non grata?
Mayhaps the CBC was onto not turning him into a national darling?
The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to rubecube For This Useful Post:
These poor people who end up paying thousands of dollars for a "degree" that won't be recognized anywhere as an actual degree by employers, actual post secondary institutions, etc.
These poor people who end up paying thousands of dollars for a "degree" that won't be recognized anywhere as an actual degree by employers, actual post secondary institutions, etc.
__________________ I don't get your hate. I have 3 degrees I ain't dumb. My dog is well known in a 12 block rural radious.
Your just a.bias idiot that knows nothing it seems.
- combustiblefuel
The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to BigThief For This Useful Post:
It’s still so funny reading the latest zany happenings of Canada’s most famous intellectual and then going back through the first couple pages of this thread.
Corsi’s first post on the subject, 6 years ago, was as true then as it is today.
Enoch Root's reply was bad then but downright embarrassing six years later
__________________ I don't get your hate. I have 3 degrees I ain't dumb. My dog is well known in a 12 block rural radious.
Your just a.bias idiot that knows nothing it seems.
- combustiblefuel