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Old 06-25-2022, 12:18 AM   #4842
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Calgary, Canada

I personally don't have a big skin in the abortion debate. I can see where some reasonable limits to certain conditions and scenarios would apply and I don't think there should be a big limit on access either. For too many people it really is an all or nothing issue in their eyes, typical American style.

I am really really curious how corporate America and big business reacts to this. With a lot of the really big social justice issues of our time, there is a lot of corporate talk, some chatter of support and lot's of tweeting but very little actually change or meaningful impacts. Lot's of committee's and emails back and forth.

I would love to see scenario's where corporate America goes full nuclear on this issue and really flexing their muscle, and losing business in the process. A specific state goes against your corporate policy and values, pull out. Close your office, shut down your factory, stop sending goods and services there. Go big. I don't see this actually happening but it would be interesting for a change.

I really do think the Democrats and the liberals really need to start playing the "game" a little more strategic and a lot less on some of their woke stuff to be honest. They are getting crushed in every aspect. The republicans are getting a lot of their agenda across, slowly but surely.

I look back at something like the BLM movement and the protests and everything that happened with that and with leagues that have majority black players, NBA and NFL. These players, their union and even the league couldn't even come up with some low level, meaningful change to benefit some members of their community. How hard would it have been to say we are going to make sure that team issued apparel for teams are going to be produced in an American factory with minority workers getting some quality jobs? Low level stuff. Instead we get tweets, kneeling, fists in the air and moments of silence.

Sometimes you gotta fight for what you believe in and hit them where it hurts.

Just my take.
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