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Old 08-19-2019, 10:55 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by CaptainCrunch View Post
I don't know if I agree with you, or I'm unsure of where your going.

When I look at the causes of the previous WW1s

WW1 - Secret alliances, naval races, colonialism and the preservation of empires. Yeah we can talk about the assassination of a nobody as a flash point, but that was was going to find a way to happen. There was also no fear of war on a massive scale, it was viewed as a great bloodying of the next generation, and home by Christmas

WW2 - The rise of extremism and the desire to re-establish colonialism and the building of Empires. We also had a mess in terms of racial hatred thrown in. Again there was a lack of fear of war.

Why was there a lack of fear? Because of the weapons available at the time, while WW1 used chemical warfare it was in efficient and didn't attack civilian population centers. Even bombing campaigns of terror bombing became prevalent later on in the war, it wasn't efficient.

In WW2 we got heightened attacks on civilian centers and mass bombing campaigns, however while it was efficient compared to WW1, it wasn't supported by the weapons of the time.

Now if we get a global war involving the main super powers of the US, Russia and China, we now have a true civilization busting equation. The gentlemens agreement of you kill our cities and we kill yours comes into play. Without an effective battlefield defense or deterrent, the next major war will chances are be the end of everything that we know.

Because of this advancement in killing technologies most leaders won't take that step to a super power on super power war because frankly it will act like a vortex drawing everyone else again, and there is a huge change that a major war will involve battlefield nuclear weapons which will be followed shortly thereafter with Strategic nuclear weapons strategies. In other words, once that nuclear genie comes out of the bottle, its not going back in.

Because of that, we're seeing more regional battles which are carefully managed to avoid confrontations with other super powers.
I think extremism is on the rise in the USA because of the post truth era where anything the leader wants you to believe you believe. This particular leader is so ignorant to history and obviously diplomacy, he may in fact be interested in superpower on superpower warfare. He might launch a nuke on N Korea if Kim says Trump has a little dick. This of course leads to everything you described.
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