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Old 09-26-2020, 09:40 AM   #343
Had an idea!
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Join Date: Oct 2005

First you said it is not much of a business, now you're saying they didn't erase all other energy companies and aren't valued higher than Enron? So? It'll take many companies on many fronts covering many different aspects of the energy business to move towards cleaner sources. Ballard seems to be covering more of a commercial side, something that most people have no idea about.

400MW of shipped product in an field where development is extremely hard is actually pretty amazing.

I drive a vehicle that has many different automation features, and I find the ones that seamlessly integrate with my driving experience to actually be very worthwhile.

Things like parking assist, lane correction, better camera view, adaptive cruise control, etc.

What Tesla is offering with smart summon, auto-pilot, etc is definitely something I would personally find very usable. It definitely depends on what kind of driver you are, and where you drive, but I think people that spend a lot of time commuting will be one of the first ones to adopt self driving features.
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