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Old 08-18-2020, 10:20 AM   #40
PepsiFree's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2015

Originally Posted by Scroopy Noopers View Post
This question would interest me the most. I have a very vivid imagination and memory. I can picture things very clearly. On the flip side... I have horrifying dreams. Always have. It’s the main reason I smoke a lot of weed, no more dreams for me. They are the furthest thing from enjoyable or relaxing for me, and have always impacted my sleep.
That's interesting. I have as close to a pixel perfect imagination I can... well... imagine. Whether it's a memory or reading a book or just imagining whatever, I can paint the picture exactly, from people's facial expressions to what's sitting on the desk or what's written on a random piece of paper. It's not like I consciously/purposely imagine those things either, they just exist as part of whatever I'm thinking about. When I listen to music, I see the music being played or vividly imagine whatever story is being told. When I watch movies, my brain fills out more than what's on the screen.

But I very very rarely dream. When I do, they're just colours and shapes.

The brain is weird.
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