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Old 10-02-2017, 01:59 PM   #10
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Join Date: Jul 2015

Thanks photon, I appreciate the response. I struggle with what to report and what not to report, and I think I’ve tried to learn that not every thing that goes against what I believe to be morally acceptable is worthy of action.

For me, there is a lot said that crosses the line, but I think a bit part of it is how that line is crossed. The poster that I’ve reported for hate speech isn’t always saying things in a bubble, others share his opinions. The biggest issue for me is spreading content from actual hate-sites and hate-platforms. It’s not something I’ve decided is hate, it’s that he’s spreading content from actual white nationalist, and anti-Muslim hate groups.

To me, it’s not necessarily what is said, but spreading content from those sources. I know that I feel like “don’t repost stuff from hate groups” seems like an acceptable line to draw in order to maintain free speech.

I appreciate that you guys have a hard enough time as it is, but allowing hate-propaganda seems over the top to me. It’s content designed by hate groups to promote hate, fear, and violence against other human beings. Not everything clearly falls into that, but some of what i’ve reported very clearly does. That’s just the way I feel, and I can’t-not feel that way.

Thanks for replying and letting me understand where you guys fall on it though, I respect that at least. I’ll keep reporting it, and you all are free to make whatever decision you feel is best for the board without me publically questioning it.

I’m all for freedom to criticise religion, and I’m trying to be better at accepting that people have different ways of expressing that criticism, but i’ll Just never accept the spread of hate propaganda.
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