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Old 11-19-2019, 02:27 AM   #6
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Calgary, Canada

I do think that a huge portion of the North American diet is VERY VERY meat heavy and a lot of people could benefit from additional servings of vegetables and beans/legumes.

Meat has lot of nutrients for you and people do have that craving, I just think we may overdue it. One of the issues with large portions of meat is that it can crowd out your plate from other items with a huge nutritional components to it.

Beans, lentils and other legumes have the benefit of being extremely good for you, a ton of nutrients and vitamins and being dirt cheap. If people can learn how to make a bunch of basic dishes with the above such as stews, soups, side dishes and salads etc, your literally banking big time dollars.

Being of Greek background, the Mediterranean diet is a big part of my diet and religiously I usually take part in lent every Easter for approx 40+ days. Generally speaking I give up meat, fish and dairy products pretty much vegan. I can say personally that I feel amazing, have a ton of energy, always trim down a little and lost that bloat feeling. Reverting back to meat after that always takes a few days and the feeling of eating meat or flesh, is kinda gross until I get used to it.

It's not a diet I can sustain long term without eating meat and dairy but it always proves to me that eating more fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes makes me feel better and I lose weight.

One trend I generally don't like is that these days everything has to be gluten free, keto friendly or a "beyond meat" style meal. Rather than trying to turn every single dish "beyond meat", which normally involves more processed foods, just learn to cook and eat more dishes that are natural and made from scratch.

Sorry about the long post and I am not preaching to anybody. To each their own!
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