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Old 10-04-2009, 10:43 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Dion View Post

Does that answer your question?
No, it doesn't. I'm asking about your intent. For example, I created this thread to educate on winter tires.

Some people are still stuck with this belief still and I can't quite fathom it, but what they don't realize is that winters give you the upper edge on others in traffic, usually in the form of manoeuvrability. If I had a choice to outperform other dangerous drivers on the road or just fit in with the status quo, I'll take the upper edge.
Another big thing that has necessitated the need for winter tires is the style of traffic these days. People are travelling faster due to tighter time schedules. On top of that, the amount of traffic on the roads has increased while the road capacity hasn't increased at the same rate. This leaves us with faster traffic with less gaps and less time to react before an accident. Gone are the days of an easy right turn or merge and now we are stuck with merging into tight moving fast traffic with less of a margin for error. That alone should mean winter tires are a necessity and why some governments are making them mandatory.

Looks like we'll have to agree to disagree though, as clearly we have different standards. I err towards safety, you err towards saving costs (percieved).

Last edited by BlackArcher101; 10-04-2009 at 11:21 PM.
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