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Old 03-19-2019, 10:34 AM   #20
Ate 100 Treadmills
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Join Date: Mar 2006

The most important thing is to find meals that are both healthy and that you genuinely enjoy. Also, lots of variety. People who try to make their diets overly strict or force themselves to eat foods they don't like always seem to fail.

The simplest thing IMO is just to reduce carbs. There's nothing evil about carbs, but they are generally a high source of calories in most people's diets, that can be easily cut out. Also avoid sauces with too many calories. I've seen a lot of friends fail horribly with very restrictive diets, because they are essentially covering everything they eat in caesar salad dressing.

There's also no excuse why anyone can't hit the gym 3 times a week for an hour at a time.

Some of my favorites:

- Chicken stir frys: the art to making these good is to make sure you don't dry out the chicken or over-cook the vegetables. There are lots of youtube videos on proper stifry technique: cook the meat separately, cook the food at significantly high temperature, add salt in near the end, etc...

- Salmon. So easy to cook and so tasty. Just throw on a couple of herbs and some lemon, and throw in the oven for 5-10 minutes.

-Vinegar based salads. Find whatever kind of lettuce/green you like the taste of. Make our own dressing with olive oil. Add chicken for protein.

I also think red meat gets a bad rap. When people cut out red meat, that typically means less burgers and fries. The red meat itself isn't always the problem.
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