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Old 08-08-2018, 01:12 PM   #855
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Join Date: Jun 2002

Yeah the funny thing with the Klingons is how much they're changed and evolved

1) TOS - The Klingon's were the jerks of the galaxy, more like pirates then they were a warrior race. They were just there to make trouble.

2) TNG - redesigned, we're a warrior race with an enormous puckered butt on our head. We're all about honor and duty and being angry and drinking prune juice until later on when we learned that Worf really wasn't much of a Klingon, because Klingon's liked to Paaarrty.

3) Deep Space 9 - Dove a bit deeper into their culture, and they actually were probably the best Klingons out there.

4) Enterprise - Oh we're jerks again. We're not that honorable either, and we gave ourselves a virus to make ourselves look more human

5) Discovery - WTF, they look weird, they're heavily over made up to the point where the poor actors just struggled with any kind of facial expression. They're all about religion, and they talk like the native american's in dances with wolves.

6) Discovery 2 - Just a guess, but we're going to meet a race of vertically challenged Klingons who find honor in slamming their giant bulbous heads with glowy things into the testicles of humans. They speak in a high pitched voice and they are responsible for maintaining the universes social media platform Kaplanet.
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