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Old 03-17-2019, 06:27 PM   #56
Franchise Player
Join Date: May 2002
Location: Virginia

Tipping is a weird, broken system. There are a lot of breweries out here that do very high volumes of 16 oz cans out of their tasting rooms. The POS machines are the same as the guys who pour drafts, so it always comes up with a 15-18-20% tip option. Most click no, or custom and leave a couple bucks. But some amount of people will click a percent and walk away realizing they left $20 tip to a guy handing them a case of IPA cans.

A couple months ago, one of the more successful breweries in Boston got caught in a big controversy when it came out that they were paying their to go beer slingers like $7/hour which was min wage for tippeed employees. Which led to a big outcry of all the "give them a living wage and the tips are theirs/you are evil/why should we tip on to go beer/etc" Then it came to light that those beer slingers were often making more than $50/hour in tips, and sometimes a lot more, and were turning down management positions because it would be such a big cut in pay.

Once the genie is out of the bottle, it is tough to figure out how to correct it. They said they talked to the staff about going to a no tip model and paying everyone a min of $15/hour, but of course the staff thought that was a terrible idea. Do they give these guys making $50/hour in tips a $15/hour wage and let them still keep tips? Probably the best thing is to take that tipping option off for to go sales, and pay them all appropriately, but the staff would all quit.
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