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Old 04-15-2019, 05:20 PM   #207
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Jun 2009

Originally Posted by CaptainYooh View Post
Well, I am not zamler, but I would answer:
No, I don't support carbon tax (which means, I don't have to answer the second question, right?).

So, back at you, which sacrifices are you willing to make personally?
Well, I'm clearly willing to make more sacrifices than you since you clearly want to be Godot on this matter.

As for what I'm willing to do, climate change is my number one issue when deciding who to vote for. I support the carbon tax despite disliking how it was rolled out (i.e., lack of benchmarks for consumers so they cannot gain credits like industry players do, "free emissions" for industrial facilities who are required to report and those who opt into the CCIR, etc.) because I believe it will reduce emissions and would continue to support higher taxes if we get rid of the "free emissions" loophole, and then even higher taxes if we include benchmarking for major personal energy consumption devices like cars, furnaces, etc.
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