Thread: SEO Specialist?
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Old 04-02-2012, 07:38 AM   #26
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Agreed with Finner that patience is key. Interestingly enough the age of a website also plays a role. So if you're trying to get to #1 on search rankings right away you'll likely be raising some flags.

What google is trying to do now is make their searches as natural as possible. From my standpoint a good SEO will be more of a professional marketing team than a tech team.

I worked for one company in a highly competitive market and they added a blog to their website which spoke freely about the ins and outs of their market including tips and tricks as well as more controversial topics. Anytime they had a high-profile client they would cover the story and include write-ups about it.

So really content, blogging, news stories, and dare I say it viral campaigns will slowly but surely take you to where you want to be.
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