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Old 03-20-2023, 06:20 PM   #632
Franchise Player
Join Date: Jan 2014

Originally Posted by cannon7 View Post
I'm OK with being exposed like James Woods, if the rumors are indeed correct.
Are these the rumours you are referring to? Classy

Anderson Cooper was criticized for rolling his eyes at Kellyanne Conway during an interview in May 2017. Woods escalated the situation with a homophobic "joke" by sharing a gif of the CNN host rolling his eyes and wrote that the expression was "as his butt plug dislodges during a newscast."
Neil Patrick Harris called out Woods for his comments on a photo of a family posing with their "gender creative" son. "This is sweet. Wait until this poor kid grows up, realizes what you’ve done, and stuffs both of you dismembered into a freezer in the garage,” Woods said of the photo in July 2017. Harris called Woods "ignorant and classless," but Woods clarified his stance and said, "Using one’s child as a social justice propaganda doll is tantamount to child abuse. This is not about homophobia. Nice try though…,” and added that he has "more gay friends than Liberace."
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