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Old 03-14-2019, 08:16 PM   #73
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Join Date: Jul 2015

Originally Posted by Mr.Coffee View Post
That Americans worship money. Is this news to you?

American society means you can make a better life for yourself if you make more money.

I’m not even sure how this is groundbreaking, debatable or really even insulting to be honest. It’s just how America has built itself and how its’ society functions. It’s how Canadian and western society function generally speaking too but to a milder degree because there are basic social nets in place. So I’m not sure why it comes as a surprise to people why education or politics or business or almost all parts of peoples quality of life is so tightly linked to money.

Want to get an education? Make more money.
Want power? Make more money
Want shelter or basic needs? Make more money
Want a doctor? Make more money

Want anything? Make more money

Like- how am I wrong here?
Probably not wrong entirely wrong, but certainly bizarre to single Americans out and call it money “worship.”

Americans needing money more because there are a lack of social safety nets compared to other western nations doesn’t really align with money worship.

Most people who don’t have enough need more, most people who have enough don’t think much about it, and some who have enough make it their business to collect as much as possible. That’s not just an American thing, that’s a world thing.

Americans value a quality life. In America, you need more money to achieve that than in other places. It’s not worship, it’s necessity.
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