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Old 06-27-2012, 03:48 PM   #19
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The music company started its own death by trying to push one song to sell an entire album and when that song wares out you find you have spent $16 for one song as the rest of the songs are shat. The reason they are losing money is because normally 90% of all songs on an album arent any good, and any that do are sold as individual songs on iTunes. If they want to make their money they need to increase the price of their "hit" singles or learn to make their money via touring and value added sales. I still cant see why they cant come up with a individual song based DRM rather than album DRM.With 80Gb Ipods I think songs can afford to be 7mb in size vs 5mb etc.

For movies, I personally thing the Internet has lead to more sales, I would have never bought all the seasons of the Wire, or the Shield, etc etc etc had I not watched them in their entirety after torrenting them. The funny thing is I still watch the torrented version and keep the DVDs on the shelf because watching it on DVD is just not that convenient as pressing play and going through 3-4 episodes at once. There are also a metric shat tonne of movies I have bought after torrenting them and just loving them too much to deal with a shat quality. Cream will always rise to the top.

For games as previously posted, Steam at least for some games has had to make them some money, I have bought more games in the last 5 years that I ever did before and easily spend 3-4X as much. I will purchase games on their sales just because of the price and never get around to playing it and then one day I see it on my account and wonder when the he77 did I ever buy that.

As for software, I dont pirate it because I dont really use it at home. I know people who use photoshop at work and if I need anything shopped I ask them and I dont pirate windows because I dont think retail price is that expensive for copy and I dont need office at home because I have it at work etc.
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