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Old 10-16-2020, 09:24 PM   #131
#1 Goaltender
Join Date: Mar 2008

Originally Posted by zamler View Post
Don't think he's the worst part of the show but I agree his arc is grating. After thinking about it S2 was borderline bad relative to season 1.
I think Bucher & Hughie where the definite leads of season 1, and had clear story arcs, both of them were lacking clear story arcs in season 2. Hughie had a slight arc of learning to man up a bit. Buchers arc was supposed to be accepting his step son, but it just wasn't there.

The main story movement was humanizing Kimiko but they did little to pull her out of the background of most scenes, so it didn't lead the show. Maeve is probably in the same category.

Starlight v Stormfront carried through most of the season, but Starlight didn't grow at all, so it was a story without an arc.

Lamp Lighter was a wasted character, it was something of a Canto Bight like detour within the overall plot.

I really like what they did with Mothers Milk, in terms of plot that was the highlight of the season.

Homelander / The Deep / A Train had good stories, and I think its part of what the boys is trying to do, keeping you invested in the story of the bad guys. But they are the bad guys, so they cannot carry the main protagonist story arc.

IMO season 3 needs to let Star Light take the lead role, and have her grow more powerful, so that she does not constantly feel impossibly threatened by 80% of the Supes, this would represent actual main protagonist character growth that was lacking in season 2. I think Homelanders son learning gaining control of his powers is also an option, but that seems more like a season 5 story than a season 3 story.
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