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Old 03-09-2021, 09:22 AM   #11
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I won't pretend that I'm smart enough to understand the legal system of appeals.

I will say, that if there's anyway to stop these morons, its a good thing. Their casting blame around their kids death to me is offensive, No matter what anyone says, they killed their kid because they're morons, and conspiracy nutters.

David is a dangerous person and a con man, I find it offensive that this guy was selling "cures" to serious medical and mental health conditions, and discouraging people from seeking advice from what he's not, actual medical and health care personal.

He's a typical dangerous conspiracy theory nut, no better then the Qanon nutbars that we class as dangerous. And again, he killed his son with his voodoo magic and then smugly blamed everyone else. He's not a hero to the little guy, he's not a hero to anyone.

I get what everyone is saying about third appeals. But the Alberta Court of Appeals found reason to order a new trial, get it right, make sure they do it properly and either let him go, or toss him in a cell so he can stop harming others.
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