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Old 01-06-2011, 10:52 AM   #78
Scoring Winger
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I find it funny that I am cautious-pro-vaccinations, and draw such a response from pro-vaccinations.

Originally Posted by photon View Post
So you listen to those, but ignore the parents who had vaccinations a claim they didn't change their child.. why? Why listen to one but not the other?

Or why ignore the many studies done with actual data?

You (and the other parents) are committing a very basic error in reasoning in thinking correlation equals causation.

Event A happens, then event B happens. That's correlation. The flaw is thinking that just because B followed A, A caused B. It's flawed reasoning and drawing a conclusion on it (as you and these parents have done) is incorrect.
No, I'm not ignoring the fact that 99.99999999% of the people are probably okay from the vaccination. It just isn't a chance I don't want to take with my child right now. He will receive the vaccination one day.

If now is the time he will develop autism, I just don't want kick myself later on if he happens to develop autism right soon after he was scheduled to get the vaccination. Is there much harm in waiting a year or two? I just feel like his body can handle a little more.

Originally Posted by photon View Post
Evidence? Sounds like something made up just to sound scary and appeal to people's sense of freedom.

And even if it were true, so? If a doctor advocated using leeches, or talked about the four humors, or wanted to do some blood letting should they have their license taken away? Is it terrible to censure a doctor who speaks out against the germ theory of disease?
Sorry, no evidence, and I shouldn't have stated it as fact. Just pure observation on my part.

I am no means a pro on the issue, and by no means I have evidence. Just wanted to say that my two points has made me feel uneasy about the vaccination (mostly the MMR), and that I am going to take some sort of precautions.

Last edited by kdogg; 01-06-2011 at 10:55 AM.
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