Thread: e-cigs
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Old 09-11-2019, 04:03 PM   #248
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Originally Posted by Reggie28 View Post
Do any of you guys who vape find yourself hacking up brown stuff once in a while? I've been off the cigarettes for two months now, but have been using a Vype ePen and a Juul. I'm not sure if this brown substance is from the vape or if it is my lungs still recovering from years of smoking. One thing for sure, it is a lot less than when I was smoking.

On a side note, my new-ish girlfriend wasn't overly excited (to say the least) when she found out that I quit smoking but started vaping. Now, I have moved on to nicotine gum, kind of my personal Uncle Buck five year plan. Addiction is a strange beast and difficult to tame.
I'd be concerned about this. Could be your lungs having an immune reaction to the various compounds within the vaping liquids.

I've never vaped regularly, but on the times I did try it, I definitely noticed an oil buildup in my throat. I'm also very sensitive to smells so noticed the flavoring smell and the smell of the oil on my clothes and hands the next day.

The combination of a buildup from cigarette use, underneath a buildup of Vaping oil, could be pretty bad. The oils in vapes apparently make it especially hard for your body to deal with infection, and act as physical barrier.
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