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Old 05-28-2019, 09:31 PM   #112
Franchise Player
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Join Date: Aug 2008

Looking like it will come up at bit short.

China is done at about 629 and the International total sits at 1254 and domestic sits at 803 for a total of 2.686 Billion. 102 million behind Avatar

Earnings for the 4 day weekend Domestically were about the same as Infinity War so that’s about 2 weeks now matching Infinity War earnings. The Monday dropped more than IW did though so we will see this week if it continues with the same holds. If it can follow infinity war from this point out it would finish at 854.6 million. If it drops at 45-50% from the previous week from here on out it would earn 30-35 million which would be pretty steep even in the summer. So the bottom end is 835.

OS - China earned 16 million over the weekend and 35 million over the week. So with legs similar to IW it gets about 50 million from here on out and with 50% drops get 35 million or so. That puts the international total at 1290 - 1305

That leaves the total range at 2753- 2788. So it needs to perform as well as IW from here to the end to make it past Avatar. And while it’s holding like it for now any slight increases in drop will have it come up short. Avatars first run in theatres was only 2.778 billion as it was re-released and earned another 10 million so Endgame as a shot of being the biggest 1st run movie if it doesn’t get the overall title.
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