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Old 06-01-2016, 10:05 PM   #357
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Originally Posted by Mr.Coffee View Post
I don't like the all-star ones, it's more interesting seeing new people.

Cooler ideas would be:
-Survivor in Canadian arctic, or even if just boreal forests somewhere, mix up the location.
-Survivor pitting different nationalities against each other. So out of the 20 or whatever people, get 1 person from 20 different countries.
Neither would happen, the first one especially in the arctic would probably be way too dangerous and uncontrollable, things like frost bite and hypothermia could come out of nowhere and seriously hurt people in a hurry. Plus no hot chicks in bikinis.

On the second part, I can see where the white guys versus the black guys would probably have a severe backlash against the network.
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