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Old 04-08-2021, 05:45 PM   #2803
#1 Goaltender
Join Date: Mar 2008

It might be the soft bigotry of low expectations, but Yamers right. WW84 pretty much confirms DCEU still doesn't have the slightest of what makes a good movie, and budget be damned they can't be bothered with production quality. But I had no problem sitting through the movie,

BvsS was unwatchable,
the original version of JL was nearly unwatchable.
SS's ending was laughable,
the original WW had a marginally better but still laughable ending.
Aquaman a train wreck you can't quite look away from.
Shazam isn't even a good movie, it's reminiscent of crappy 90s family movies like small soldiers or something like that.

WW84 isn't a good movie but by no means does it standout within the series I think it might even be slightly above average for the series.

(I have watched synders wet dream yet, so can't comment on that, but regardless of what everyone says I hold out pretty much no hope, I don't really have the patients for 2.5 hours of slow motions plotless action sequences).
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