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Old 01-23-2017, 09:28 AM   #32
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Jan 2010

I woke up this morning to this thread and did a double-take. My father-in-law was rushed to hospital last week after his heart stopped, and we just found out yesterday that he likely won't last two weeks. He turns 90 next month. I suspect it will be a bit crazy with phone calls and visits the next while as he was very well known in the Korean community.

Fortunately, he is fairly alert and responsive, and seems to recognize familiar faces though he can't always remember names. He knows he is well-loved and cared for and he has mentioned more than once that he is ready to go.

I am grateful that my mother-in-law and father-in-law have been living with us the last 7 years or so. We have memories of him teaching my kids asian calligraphy, or telling stories from his past like how he converted an abandoned jeep from the Korean war into a machine that shelled rice for his village, or how when he first arrived in North America, he carried small containers of hot sauce and garlic powder everywhere he went because western food was so bland.

It will be hardest, I think, for my mother-in-law. Having her live with us is a blessing as we can help her (though she is still very independent), but it's almost impossible to imagine her without her husband nearby. They faced many difficulties together, and through laughter and arguments, joy and sadness, met them head on.

My wife and her siblings are meeting tomorrow to discuss the things that need to be discussed during a time like this.

Thanks for letting me ramble a little. Thanks to Chris for starting this thread - sounds like you had a great relationship with your dad which is wonderful. That means not only will you have many great memories to draw on, but you've given many great memories to your dad.

Thanks to all the posters for the advice and also your own stories. They've been very helpful.
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