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Old 01-28-2018, 11:34 PM   #692
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Join Date: Jun 2002

If you look at DS9, TNG, Voyager and even Enterprise they established characters in the first season, some of them you knew were secondary but they let them do something, or be in a conversation besides a yes Captain, warp speed now.

In this one outside of Staments, Michael, Saru and Lorca you don't give a crap about the other characters beyond the fact that they push buttons. Even Tilley who they worked on establishing as a player, has really faded in the last couple of episodes.

Look, they went all this way to scar up Detner, and when Michael jumped on the Discovery she gave each other a glance and then nothing, even in the mirror Universe when she had lines, they were the same lines twice and other then that nothing.

What made Star Trek special in all the series was even with the secondary characters they were given a personality and something to work with, but in this series there's nothing.

Even an encounter between Detner and Michael was needed. They could have basically eliminated the Tilly character and had Michael room with Detner.

Like I said when the Helmswoman's mirror counterpart was vaporized, it was meaningless, there was no shock to it, or even a that was cool moment.

Basically the problem to me is that they haven't established this as a crew based series.

And I was giving this show a bunch of credit recently until they engaged the stupidity with the Tyler storyline, and then completely made Lorca a 1 dimensional stupid villain.

Lets look at Stamets boyfriend doctor. They didn't establish him or do anything worthy with him until the episode where he died because they saw his death as a shocker moment, but because they had done a sudden establishment we knew he was going to die as part of the twist and it just didn't have a lot of meaning.

Its a example of 2 steps forward followed by falling down the stairs.

I said in the last one that this writing crew is twist obsessed, and they did it again tonight with the Emperor, oh what a twist that she's actually a noble alien hating eating mass murderer, but she's sooooo worth saving.


Its almost like they have a writing by rote for dummies book in the writing room and they open it up.

Hey if Darth Vader can be redeemed lets redeem an Emperor.

The problem with this series isn't the visual effects, or the action, or the appearance or the Choreography. For the most part with the exception of some the acting has been strong with the exception of Green and Yeoh who are just not good.

The problem is the writers, and now because they wanted the twist of the loss of the war, they've written themselves into another corner.
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