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Old 03-26-2024, 12:59 PM   #44
Powerplay Quarterback
Join Date: Sep 2021

Originally Posted by CorsiHockeyLeague View Post
It's more like "I don't feel like turning this thread into yet another discussion about why BethesdaFallout sucks, and I certainly don't feel like writing a ten page memo about it; if you want to know my issues this guy talks about them". But most of the issues fall into the category of lazy writing, shallow characters, and an absolutely terrible attempt at creating "choice and consequences with moral implications" into a video game, to a point where the decisions you can make and what comes of them is essentially at the appropriate depth to be understood by a 12 year old with ADHD. If you want the short version, start the video at 41:55 and listen for the next 5 minutes or so to the part about Vault 101, Junktown and Megaton.
Ok, thanks for the additional notes (genuinely). I did as you suggested and watch the 5 min section.

I suppose my takeaway is that he's approaching a 16 year old game through the lense of 2024 and asking for things that simply weren't really possible at the time given that it was a 2008 open world title.

For example the Karma mechanic. You gain for helping people, and lose for murdering and stealing. He says it's overly simplistic and doesn't make sense as you regularly are attacked throughout the game without it being impacted, and attributes it to bad writing and characters.

It's an open world title from 2008. You can't give scripted backstory to every NPC you meet. The mechanic is intended as a way to build your reputation with your playstyle. If you want to be a dick, get some cred when hanging with slavers. If you want to be a saint, you can get lower prices on ammo and stuff.

He can call it simplistic and talk about how he doesn't like karma being defined by a number... but in the context of the mechanic I got a lot of mileage out of maxing it one direction or the other. It's like he missed the fun of it?

I can't say he changed my mind. I suppose if the starting premise is "Fallout 3 is garbage", then I'm not getting anywhere with him either.

in any case, appreciate you giving more notes on your perspective.

Still looking forward to the show.
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