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Old 04-02-2020, 11:15 PM   #471
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Originally Posted by OutOfTheCube View Post
Man that was cartoon-level lazy writing.

“Here’s some magic tool that can somehow do anything you think of!”

Yeah thanks guys. I get that crazy stuff happens on Star Trek happens all the time, but at least they try to make it seem like there’s some technobabble explanation.
That was like the whole last 10 minutes of the Episode.

Anyhoodles, I am kind of on-board.

If you boil it down and analyze it thoroughly, the idea that this entire season was the paranoid schizophrenic delusions of a sick and dying old man crossed with a sick joke by cold, unfeeling synthetics...a whole lot more of the insane plot points make a degree of sense.

I think what kind of ruined it for me was knowing that Picard was dying of the space-crazies while simultaneously knowing that the series had been picked up for another season.

So you just knew something was coming.

Considering the wacky theories I personally had this one barely cracked the Top 5 so...not bad.

Now that we can put this all behind us and 'Galactic Insanity' is no longer on the table it will be interesting to see where this series goes next.

Maybe Riker will re-retire and Picard will become Grand Poobah of Starfleet's Intergalactic Navy? Sheer Hubris? Then he can realize that he was wrong all along and that the Romulans were interstellar space-trash and he can use his newfound authority and resources to do a complete 180 and hunt them down and exterminate them?

All those factions that opposed saving the Romulans in the first place would be super-stoked and Picard can become akin to some space-faring Donald Trump erecting energy-shield walls wherever he goes and making the Romulans pay for them?

Then he can team up with Worf, who is undoubtedly the Grand Imperial Wizard of Klingonia by now and they can seek out and destroy their enemies using a Droid Army and perhaps even unlawfully blocke segments of space in contravention of an intergalactic trade agreement?

So many possibilities now!
The Beatings Shall Continue Until Morale Improves!

This Post Has Been Distilled for the Eradication of Seemingly Incurable Sadness.

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