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Old 01-22-2018, 09:59 PM   #114
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Originally Posted by PepsiFree View Post
I’d be happy to hear alternate explanations for the quotes though, if anyone is interested in enlightening the group.
...he does retweet Daily Caller articles with opening lines like: “Yet again an American city is being torn apart by black rioters.” He has dedicated two-and-a-half-hour-long YouTube videos to “identity politics and the Marxist lie of white privilege.”...
He essentially says that although on average white people may have more privilege, he doesn't like the term being assigning a collective guilt to a group of people based on skin colour:
I don't know so much about the Daily Caller retweets, but it's possible that he wanted to show how the recent emphasis on white privilege is fuelling racial unrest. Personally I think this is another ad hominem attack by the author saying that anyone who would dare retweet this conservative website obviously endorses anything that they say. The Daily Caller isn't my cup of tea, I don't often read their stuff because I think they have a huge bias, but I hardly think they're abhorrent.

...Petersonites can get access to the Self Authoring Suite (a USD $119.92 value!). Those looking for further opportunities to give him money can pay USD $9.99 for “100 question phrases” which “can be found, along with similar question sets, elsewhere on the web” so that they might learn how your personality compares to 10,000 others...
I think there is nothing at all wrong with him monetising his work as a clinical psychologist. I think it's another attack from the author, who simply thinks that making money is somehow not virtuous. I have also heard that his self authoring program which is essentially a guided writing exercise has helped people learn more about themselves. Nothing wrong with that.

...when explaining things like men are helpless before “crazy women” and “harpies” because it’s not socially acceptable for men to hit women and that this is “undermining the masculine power of the culture” in a way that will prove “fatal”...
The author cherry-picked from this video here:
I really do not think at all that Peterson is advocating violence against women. I think he's saying something about that the social consequences of hitting a woman have changed so that a man can't ever put his hands on a woman even if it threatens a mans safety. I think he could have worded it better though.

...In July, he posted a video on his YouTube page laying out a plan to launch a website on which students and parents could have courses rated for them by artificial intelligence that could detect a “postmodern cult course.” His aim, he explained, was to cut off “the supply to the people that are running the indoctrination cults.” Ultimately, the champion of free speech said, he hoped the project would shut down whole departments that upset him....

...He’s already concluded that the entire fields of “women’s studies, and all the ethnic studies and racial studies groups” “have to go,”and that sociology, anthropology, English literature, and education are all “corrupt.”...
He's obviously not a fan of the current state of humanities programs:
I find it funny how the author tries to paint Peterson as hypocritical in terms of free speech because he's trying to "shut down university programs". But that's not true, he doesn't want programs shut down by fiat, but rather he wants to help identify programs that he sees as "running the indoctrination cults" so that people won't enrol. Essentially he wants these programs to die due to lack of interest.

...”“I was going to put an end to your pomo-Marxist plotting once and for all but a third of respondents to a Twitter poll advised against it, so you’re safe… for now!” ...
Yeah, pretty sure he never said that. Sounds like the authors impersonation of Peterson. He did though realise that folks were split on his idea of him setting up a an app that would identify "postmodernist" courses at universities. He gave up on that idea, but I think it was mostly because he really couldn't deliver such a product.

If your introduction to Jordan Peterson is through hit-pieces like that MacLeans article, I can see how you may see him as an abhorrent. There is a lot of distortion of what he is actually saying. I suggest that you perhaps watch some his longer youtube videos. You might find what he has to say interesting. At the very least you'll have a better understanding of your "enemy".
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