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Old 06-22-2020, 12:42 PM   #5
Had an idea!
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Join Date: Oct 2005

Originally Posted by MrCallahan View Post
Starlink is going to be huge! and many telecom companies should be worried about this. Companies like Sasktel, NorthwestTel (and any equivalent region specific carrier) will be hit hard when this launches. This will even get political, will there be a black market for antennas in China? to bypass the Great Firewall? Will people smuggle it into North Korea? I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing how this pans out!

It's also very self-serving for every business Elon runs as well. He'll be able to enable every Tesla vehicle and SpaceX shuttle with access to the system. With the Starlink antennas being a flat array, it'll make it easy for them to incorporate this into future builds of the vehicles.

The key for this to be an insanely successful, is to make it as accessible as easy as possible for the average home to sign up.
Honestly seems like the biggest question is whether or not it will work the way Elon Musk and SpaceX says it will.

I.E. plug in receiver, point at sky, have instant super fast internet. If it does, almost all telecom providers in the world providing some kind of fixed internet service are screwed. Because SpaceX would have a customer base all over the world, while telecom providers tend to only have a very small customer base specific to a certain region. Suddenly even with the 10 million customers that the big 3 in Canada have, it is a drop in the bucket to the 1 billion plus that Starlink could have. How do you compete with that kind of revenue & fixed cost?

The only saving grace would be if Starlink can't provide mobile connectivity.
Makes you wonder how the tech will work in 10 years with cell phones.

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