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Old 04-29-2021, 03:25 PM   #449
Cecil Terwilliger
That Crazy Guy at the Bus Stop
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Springfield Penitentiary

Comxiology keeps having great sales so I keep buying more stuff. I should have just signed up for unlimited. But then I'd lose the ambition to keep reading. When I own stuff I feel compelled to read it and I'm on a mission to read everything I own. I've literally read like 300 trades since September. At one point I was reading like 20 issues a day. That has since slowed but still averaging about 1 trade per week. Just the other day I bought the rest of the lady Thor books I referenced in the above post for like 60% off. I used to hate digital but it has allowed me to buy more stuff and read more stuff that I ever thought possible. Especially while I'm a nomad and all my physical books are in storage.

BTW, all Star Wars Legends (EU) is on sale for like $1USD each, $2 max, on comixology right now. I picked up the Thrawn trilogy, Dark Empire, some Clone Wars, Rogue Squadron, KOTOR, Legacy, Tag and Blink, Crimson Empire...all of it for like $20. Amazing. Even the new stuff is on sale for cheap.

Black Panther by Ta Nehisi Coates - his first run is good, not amazing. His second run, the one that finishes May 12th w/ issue 25 (unless it gets pushed back again) is pretty much the greatest thing I've ever read. Wow. I'm actually not done. I got half way thru and stopped because I found out the last issue wasn't out yet, so I'm waiting for it to be released to keep going.

The whole Intergalactic Empire of Wakanda label on the books is legit. This is Star Wars meets Black Panther. I'd recommend you read the whole run but I think just the most recent 25 issues would work. The original run of 18 issues or whatever it was from 2016 gives some more depth to the story I think. I'm not joking, this might be the best ongoing run I've ever read.

Top 10 - Alan Moore's take on Hill Street Blues on a world where everyone has superpowers. Police procedural. Very funny, tons of easter eggs and jokes in the art by Gene Ha. The Ultra Mice that invade that police officer's moms apartment is the funniest #### I've ever read. I haven't laughed out loud like that since the first time I read Preacher. Alan Moore uses the series to satirize mainstream comic books in so many ways and, while it is a bit cynical, I loved it so much. You could spend hours just analyzing the jokes in the art in each panel. "Career defining Bats" lol. Only 12 issues but there are some prequel/sequel spin offs that were later published. Highly recommended.

Avengers by Jonathan Hickman. I read his entire run. Avengers and New Avengers from the beginning, including Infinity, plus Secret Wars tacked on to the end. This is like Grant Morrison on crack. He's got some seriously heady stuff going on here. Not for the faint of heart and don't skip an issue or you'll be even more confused. I'd give it a 7 or 8 out of 10 just for how goddamn ambitious it was.

Ex Machina - Only read volume 1 and have the rest of the series ready to go. Highly recommended. Brian K Vaughan might be my new favorite author.

Speaking of Vaughan - Saga. I'm not quite done vol 1 but this is awesome so far. Too bad it is on hiatus and has been for 3 years. I'm worried he may never finish the remaining 54 issues.

Mister Miracle by Tom King. Another excellent read. A bit confusing, especially if you aren't familiar with Jack Kirby's New Gods. This is not your conventional super hero story. This deals with happiness, insanity, family, marriage, depression and does not have a cookie cutter ending. I'd almost recommend reading about it first and getting the plot spoiled a bit. That way you won't be as confused as I was at times. Strong recommend and a bunch of Tom King written books has been added to my wishlist.

Silver Surfer by Dan Slott. I loved his run, although I'm not quite done. I read the first 3 volumes but haven't read the second part after it got renumbered from issue 1 again. Issue 11 of the first run is widely regarded as one of the most ambitious and creative single issue comic books ever published and IMO rightfully so. But DON'T read it digitally!!! You need a physical copy for Slott's design to work.

Did I mention Usagi Yojimbo last time? Read this. Any of it. All of it. I love Stan Sakai. They are slowly releasing them in colour now too! But only just started. I think there's one volume out there.

Speaking of Stan Sakai, his version of 47 Ronin was awesome.

Don't read Multiversity by Grant Morrison. it is utter nonsense. I hated it. This is my feeling about a lot of Grant Morrison stuff. Why do I keep buying his books?!?!?

Flash by Geoff Johns. This is late 90s/early 00's stuff and I liked it but didn't love it. There's like 5 volumes I think.

Shazam Origins
by Johns. This is basically word for word the movie. But better. Highly recommended.

Shazam/Superman: First Thunder. Loved it. "First" meeting between Supes and Shazam. Yes they call him Shazam now, not Captain Marvel, but I'm sure anyone reading this thread already knows that.

Trials of Shazam - meh.

Shazam Monster Society of Evil by Jeff Smith (Bones) - meh

The original TMNT by Eastmen and Laird. I'm glad i read it for completion sake and nostalgia but was not good enough for me to consider buying more.

I finished Sandman. It is great but Neil Gaiman is too smart for me. Reading Sandman makes me feel dumb.

Batman Under the Red Hood. I'd recommend reading Hush first, by Loeb and Lee, and then reading this. Not amazing but a strong recommend from me.

I also read a bunch of crappy stuff but I'm not going to bother listing it all. Except to say the BP storyline Doomwar was just the absolute worst. Terrible.

I still have like 200 books, almost all of them trades, in my unread list so expect more of these updates. Mix of digital and physical. Digitally I still have to read: Planetary, The Authority, James Bond, Transmetropolitan all by Warren Ellis, Venom (the rest of it by Donny Cates, I loved Vol 1), Ex Machina volumes 2-5, Saga (entire series), FF by Hickman, Promethea (entire series), From Hell, the rest of Usagi Yojimbo (I have almost every volume ever!), Lazarus by Greg Rucka (vols 1-3), Doomsday Clock by Johns (Watchmen gets introduced to the DC universe) plus all that SW stuff I listed above.

Then when I get back to Calgary, I have the entire Batman by Scott Snyder waiting, plus Garth Ennis's entire Punisher Max Run, plus Ed Brubaker's entire Cap America Run, plus Chris Priest's entire BP run, plus about two dozen other trades I've never read because I buy way too many goddamn comic books and don't read them fast enough.

Last edited by Cecil Terwilliger; 04-29-2021 at 04:04 PM.
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