Thread: Star Wars
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Old 02-06-2019, 03:05 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by blankall View Post
I think part of this is that the image of the machine is just an illusion, and the empire is actually a way for the Emperor to seek individual power. Whenever Vader and the Emperor talk about their rule, it's always about the individual and the goal of attaining individual power. At no point do they talk about what's best for the galaxy or the benefits order to the citizens. The Empire, who think they are a genuine government, are actually just working for the benefit of the Sith.

But yeah, you're right, the Empire weren't necessarily Nazis, but more fascists/totalitarians generally, who were inspired by various real life regimes.

Its really interesting because of the book Dark Lord which is one of the best Palpatine books out there besides Plageius and both have become legends.

But Palpatine wanted both. He wanted individual power because he could use that to reform the galaxy in the way that he wanted.

Quotes from Dark Lord the Rise of Darth Vader

“For the moment it was enough that his advisers and minions respected him–for reestablishing peace, for eliminating the group that had posed the greatest threat to continued stability–but eventually those same advisers would need to fear him. To understand the great power he wielded, as both Emperor and Dark Lord of the Sith. And to that end, Sidious needed Vader. For if someone as potent as Vader answered to the Emperor, then how powerful must the Emperor be!”

“Under the rule of the ancient Sith, the future of the galaxy had been in the able hands of many dark sovereigns. Now responsibility for maintaining order rested only with Darth Sidious.”

“Understand this: you no longer represent your homeworlds solely. "Coruscant, Alderaan, Chandrila ... All these and tens of thousands of worlds far removed from the Core are cells of the Empire, and what affects one, affects us all. No disturbances will be tolerated. "Interplanetary squabbles or threats of secession will meet with harsh reprisals. I have not led us through three years of galactic warfare to allow a resurgence of the old ways. The Republic is extinct.”

The whole emotional thing with the Dark Side. Fear Power and Hate.

Palpatine felt that the Sith must learn to control them to gain power over them to rise about them so that they could put the concept or morality aside so that they could gather enough power and use it in search of a higher goal which was to rule the galaxy and take away individual choice of lesser beings.

Basically Palpatine and any Sith graved power to rule.

First you must gain control over yourself, then another, a group a civilization and then the entire galaxy.

It also goes to what he said about

Good and evil with the Sith being Evil coming from a simplistic viewpoint of the Jedi. Palpatine believed that he could rule and give everyone a better life without conflict. He believed that the Republic and the Jedi were at the height of hypocrisy because they believed in helping the individual, where as the Sith believed that the natural order of things was the Strong who were willing to make sacrifices and hard choices should rule over the weak.
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