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Old 04-06-2012, 10:51 PM   #19
Join Date: Mar 2003

Got a few new champs today - LeBlanc (LeBurst) - is absolutely silly. I'm surprised I haven't seen more people cheese with her. Doesn't have a ton of HP, but when you hit level 6, it doesn't really matter as you can kill almost any champ in the open. Not sure how well she does late game.

Anivia is pretty cool as well - just not a late game champ aside from the CC abilities. Her burst abilities just don't scale that well for damage, so you have to build her kind of tanky. Haven't tried AD yet though (troll build).

I tried Lee Sin once and realized I have no idea how to play him. I guess he is a Jungler / ganker, otherwise I just die with him. Apparently he is pretty good in the lanes, but I guess I need a lot more practise.
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