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Old 05-15-2017, 11:16 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by DuffMan View Post
right, but now the Republicans tell the people, they will bring those days back with tax cuts to the rich and corporations.
There is a growing movement trying to stop these changes though. People like Bernie Sanders, Robert Reich and Nick Hanuer are becoming increasingly active in getting people to see what is actually going on and how the economy has ended up in the shape it is in. At some point there needs to be a major economic shakeup, it's sad that things almost need to get to the point where people lose everything before deciding to fight for more.

I also read an alarming stat this past weekend on how many retail jobs have been lost in the past decade or so. Can't remember the exact number, but it was big.
Online shopping. The numbers are true for the retail industry, however there has also been an increase in jobs in parcel deliveries. Now Amazon is testing drone delivery. This is really where the workers/consumers themselves need to take the power back so to speak, they need to recognize the pattern and stop contributing to the problem. If a company is actively eliminating jobs to increase their profits under the guise of "making their purchases cheaper", they need to start shopping elsewhere. It's a pipe dream to expect most people to pay more for something, but if we won't pay the extra couple dollars to have a person deliver your package instead of a drone or to have a person be your cashier at the grocery store, we're really no better than the companies that are trying to profit from taking away those jobs to begin with and we're helping them do it every step of the way.
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