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Old 09-04-2022, 10:17 PM   #54
Basement Chicken Choker
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Originally Posted by JohnnyB View Post
We know too much about characters already and audiences won't be nearly so easy to surprise or fill with a real sense of tension about a character they like facing possible death.
This is certainly one of the intractable problems they've now saddled themselves with in the show - choosing Galadriel and Elrond as main protagonists severely limits the way the story can be told as everyone who has read the books or seen the movies knows neither is going to die. They would both work better similar to how they were in LOTR, minor characters there to provide advice and help, not drive the story themselves.

Why the story couldn't have focused on unknown characters (like the Ewok, err, Harfoot girl) who become heroes during the events of the Second Age while simultaneously having the political story being told separately yet interwoven with that, I do not know. Arondir's story, despite it being extremely poorly executed, is at least somewhat unpredictable, and four or five story threads like that, to be eventually merged, would have been much more interesting then SuperElfMaiden and K-Pop Boy.
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