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Old 07-06-2020, 01:55 PM   #5530
First Line Centre
Join Date: Jul 2002

Originally Posted by DiracSpike View Post
I don't know if there is a solution, besides cracking down and enforcing the constitution on them while risking the rise of more separatism. That would have to be backed up by a strong federal mandate and polling opinions across Canada showing people being sick of this perpetually aggrieved act Quebec always pulls. I'm sure a majority of Westerners feel that way, I'd have to think enviros in BC are annoyed by the hypocrisy as well. They said no to a pipeline through BC that is getting built now, Quebec says no and suddenly the Liberals pull out all the stops to prevent it from happening. I'm not sure how people in Ontario feel about Quebec but I'd have to think at some point that the political industrial complex in Quebec of demanding more and more while refusing more and more will reach a tipping point where the ROC gets sick of it and lame threats of a new referendum won't sway people.

Specifically to oil and gas the battle with Quebec is basically over. *IF* TMX Keystone and Line 3 replacement go ahead that will be enough pipeline capacity for decades for the West, quite possibly forever. Quebec and the east can source from TMX or Keystone at the Gulf, or not, Alberta crude will be selling to overseas markets and whether they're Canadian or not isn't all that important. The real wrench in things will be if Keystone gets quashed. Suddenly we're back in the 2017 boat of still needing transport egress while the east imports oil, and energy east becomes a political issue again although it would still need a proponent company which might not happen. I've given the USA props for being much more common sense than Canada when it comes to pipelines but it looks like the contagion seeded within the environmental activist obstructionist sect 10 years ago of fighting pipelines specifically to hamper oil sands production has now spread through the US and is effecting domestic US projects. There were two big developments down there recently, one was the pulling of a natural gas pipeline from west Virginia to Virginia that had been in the works since 2014 and was affected by the ruling in April that has held up Keystone in the states. The other was a bigger bombshell, the Dakota Access pipeline running from North Dakota to Illinois was ordered to shutdown due to an "improper" environmental assessment despite the fact that this pipeline has been running for three years already. This pipe was targeted by activists similar to keystone and I guess they never have up on it, goes to show that you can have a pipe running in the ground for years and obstructionists can still obstruct. Keystone was an even bigger target than this one, is just getting built, Biden's senile ass has his sights on it, and it's actively tied up in litigation now. I don't feel at all confident that keystone ever gets finished. I think it would be a smart move for Trudeau to push for it hard because it diffuses for all time the potential of putting a pipe through Quebec but I have my doubts that he would really go to the matt for it.

We're entering a very uncertain time here and rulings have shown on both sides of the border that nothing is safe. It really does seem that if the roving Eye of Sauron ever fixes on a pipeline that you require it's only a matter of time until you're ####ed. Doesn't matter if it's a new proposal, replacement, or existing pipeline young or old. It's possible that US interests sometime in a Biden administration succeed in killing keystone, stopping Line 3, and even shuttering line 5 which pathetically feeds almost all of our eastern supply. It's exceedingly likely to me that an W-E pipeline will need to be commissioned and built by the government again, because not only will western canada be pipeline constrained but eastern canada supply will be cut off due to the strategically inept situation we find ourselves in of having 60 year old pipelines running through a foreign country that are now also a massive political target.
We should put Alberta on trial in the "am I the @#$hole" thread.

Last edited by Rutuu; 07-06-2020 at 01:55 PM. Reason: Grammar
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