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Old 11-15-2016, 09:22 PM   #63
#1 Goaltender
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: North of the River, South of the Bluff

Our daycare bill was $38,000 last year for 2 kids. Due to the design of the city and the suburbs who want yheir kids at arms reach all day, inner city/downtown daycare is extremely expensive. I was lucky to get us a spot at a good one downtown only because my company paid for the privilege of sponsoring their employees for exclusive spots. Otherwise we woild have been on the wait list forever.

That is more than the most expensive private school in Calgary. I can't even say it is amazing either. They are good, but really the workers are such a small piece of the cost, the lease is a huge cost as is the demand. Their the same ladies from any other daycare for better or worse. So I struggle with the mysterious bumps and cuts when we pick them up just like people at cheap dayhomes get. It is just I have to sign a fancy report.

I agree the gov't should cap daycare charges for everyone, but also mandate that space must be alloted at a reasonable rate in high demand centres and subsidize that too. That way the landlord and the business wins and so do parents who want to be with their kids.

Sounds expensive but honestly wouldn't imagine it would cost more than some of the other pet projects we rarely hear about.

Last edited by OldDutch; 11-15-2016 at 09:24 PM.
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