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Old 03-14-2019, 02:37 PM   #1096
Inglewood Jack
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Originally Posted by Wormius View Post
I think it’s fine to a point, when it starts getting to that level of Walking Dead criticism where people just chime in to just to say the show sucks and they aren’t watching anymore, or similarly lame hot takes like that, it wears really thin.
look on the bright side, at least he didn't include the normally obligatory "watch The Orville instead because it's superior in every way and true to the original vision of Star Trek". I don't care one lick if it's even true, there's a perfectly good separate thread for Orville worship.

what I want is clarification on the ongoing referral to Michael Burnham as a Mary Sue. first of all I can't stand that goddamn term, mostly because nobody knew it or used it at all until The Force Awakens, and now suddenly you can't discuss any fiction without seeing it pop up. as far as I know, Mary Sue means character (of any gender) that excels at everything they do, without justification.

Assuming Burnham was born with a gifted intellect to begin with (like Stamets, LaForge, Crusher or any other number of technobabble spewing officers), then it should be completely believable that her Vulcan upbringing maximized her analytic/problem solving potential. and all the combat skills are explained by her rigorous training in Vulcan karate. and yet she's still quite stunted emotionally and it shows in many of her decisions so far.

so what exactly am I missing? why is it impossible to believe that her intellect and physical prowess are at a level above most of her shipmates? Stamets and Tilly are still better than her at their respective specialties, while Pike and Saru are still better leaders. she's not really the one woman starfleet that she's being made out as.
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