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Old 09-17-2006, 08:39 PM   #76
First Line Centre
Join Date: Jul 2003

I never had a good watch,my $29.95 blue faced Timex lasted 25 some odd years, and others that I collected were never used.
( I had a digital given to me that I put in my bottom drawer that I couldn't turn off when it beeped at four every morning. Luckily a much younger gal heard it and fixed it so I never heard it again.)

I quit wearing them when I started my own business because there isn't enough time.

Great watches though! I might buy one again.
Daily, I keep starting projects that I run out time for and it appears that I have no time management skills, , so I have to learn to "watch the clock" .

Anybody want to sell one of their great watches ? I gotta a hundred bucks or so and I will buy the beer and I will give you some ideas for your business, gratis.
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